


6 years, 2 months ago


Name:  Danae
Age: 224
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Extra about the body: Rather average and slightly athletic
Current residence: The Blackrose family's residence
Occupation: Maid and servant
Zodiac: Butterfly-air

Personality: Kind, helping, reliable, obedient (except when people piss her off playing stupid), loyal, accurate/always on time, can be slightly stubborn
Likes: Coffee in any form but especially dark without sugar, tidiness, challenges, perfection, Lady Lenore (to her Lenore is a sister/silly partner/absolutely fun thing/girl to lecture etc), beauty treatments, shopping
Dislikes: Messy places, sidetracking (being distracted from her work), having too much free time or getting lazy

Bio: Danae has worked for the Blackrose family for quite a long while now. Being one of many siblings one would think she wanted to achieve something unique or special, but in reality Danae realized her best qualities are her
loyalty and hard working attitude. She felt she wanted to be useful while being able to stay comfortable with her own little whims, such as cleaning a lot and keeping things in order. Danae feels she is lucky to have the chance to
serve such a big and esteemed family and will do everything from her power to not stain their name. To make sure she can walk this path, she promised herself to deal with the bloodline's youngest and most likely most troublesome
girl, Lenore. While she might seem like she has a lot of problem with Lady Lenore, secretly she likes her to death. She looks at her like a bad little sister who needs to be shown her limits. Danae can somehow manage to deal with
the temper and dirty games Lenore might play, they just make a nice little duo. Very dedicated she is B ).

Extra facts: 
- Danae has some serious OCD going on, no wonder she needs order and a tight schedule in her life
- In her freetime she loves visiting beauty salons and buy a lot of products that keep her skin, hair and everything clean and nice
- Prefers to not be in the spotlight
- Has some very amazing fancing skills since Lenore and her just end up having duster fights from time to time


Bamharr as CS belongs to me!