Vivian Nightshade



1 year, 4 months ago


"Life is about having fun, so why are you so exhaustingly serious about it?"

Vivian Nightshade

NAME Vivian Nightshade

Age 24

Gender Female

Species Human Trainer

Height 5'5"

Weight 129lbs

Division Fotia - Physiological

Job Horticulturist

Code Credit SparklyCodes

Horticulturist Skills

-Vivian specializes in growing high quality plants for both food and medicine! Because she focuses on quality her quantity can sometimes be lacking... but she takes pride in her plants producing potent medicine and filling food. She can grow pretty and rare decorative flowers too, but focuses on the practical uses.

-Vivian also breeds plants to create stronger varieties! Plants more resistant to extreme weather and insects, plants with stronger effects, and sometimes just... interesting combinations (such as pineberries). She’s more than happy to provide these bred seeds to others as well.

-Vivian is also very knowledgeable about soils! She can identify if soil is good or bad for a plant's growth and either improve it, or suggest better places for them. Along with this she knows what plants are bad and good for soil/nearby plants, and is very familiar with poisonous plants...


+Clever: Vivian is a fantastic problem solver and often comes up with out of the box ideas as solutions. She's a quick learner and can catch on to things just as fast so it's not easy to catch her off guard with a problem. She believes that everything has a solution; even difficult problems.

+Dedicated: Vivian is extremely dedicated to her work and things she cares about. She loves being given tasks and challenges in her field by others and is unlikely to rest until she succeeds. She doesn't see the point in doing something she doesn't enjoy, and puts her everything in what she does enjoy.

+Intuitive: Reasoning can only get you so far sometimes. Vivian's intuition is fantastic and she often listens to it; she knows when things aren't right and uses that instinctive reasoning to get ahead of a lot of problems.

-Eccentric: Vivian is, to put it bluntly, strange. She sometimes talks in a way that confuses others or talks out loud to herself regardless of who's around. She enjoys being a bit dramatic and silly, having a bit of a "Chūnibyō" nature. This can be extremely off putting and often exhausting for others to deal with.

-Inscrutable: Vivian's eccentricities is why she's so difficult to understand. She hides away who she is and her true thoughts behind her strangeness, and is almost never honest about her feelings if they're negative. It's hard for people to connect to her and understand what she's up to.

-Willful: The last thing Vivian ever wants to be is a push over. For this reason she's gone a bit in the opposite direction. If she disagrees with someone, she will stubbornly refuse to acquiesce to their ideas over her own. She may even pretend to agree only to do her own thing anyways. This stubborness sometimes makes her difficult to work with.



  • Pretty/Useful Plants
  • "Spooky" Things
  • Stormy Weather
  • Making Others Smile
  • Ambient Sounds
  • Riddles/Puzzles/Strategy Games


  • Liars/Fakers
  • Paperwork
  • Routine
  • Fragile Objects
  • Prejudice


Vivian grew up being a rather lonely person. She never really knew her parents and for most of her young life lived with distant relatives who juggled her around whenever they got tired of looking after her. She struggled to connect with cousins and children her age as most of them found her to be weird, but as she grew she only leaned into her “strangeness” instead of becoming reserved. It did her no favors in making friends.

Vivian spent her childhood hopping between Kanto cities, but she always found Cinnabar to be the most interesting. She’d heard how places near volcanic activity often had fertile soil and often experimented with gardening whenever she spent time there. So of course when she grew up and sought to leave Kanto and the bitter memories she chose to move to Fallarbor in Hoenn instead. There she focused on her interest in plants and gardening realizing just how useful they could be.

Overtime Vivian would find people who shared her interests and desires to cultivate stronger and more useful plantlife. She would also find an irreplaceable partner in a Budew she caught one day which, at the time, seemed to have been drawn to her garden. For a while things would go well; Vivian would learn a lot and make great strides in her research. She even began to view her fellow researchers as friends. But despite her being the one to bring them together, the research group would slowly begin to ice her out, and Vivian was not unaware of their attempts. Though hurt, some part of her deep down came to expect it. That’s what life taught her, after all.

Instead of making a fuss about it Vivian simply decided working with them wasn’t worth it. She played nice while somewhat passive aggressively continuing her work, only seeking help from her partner Pokemon when needed. When she had free time, she went looking for another place to go... somewhere maybe she could actually fit in, for once. Through her research she learned of an island called Nozama and, as she continued learning of it, only became more curious. Many strange things were said about it... and though all of it made her interested, it was the possibility of new plants that made her the most interested.

One day her so called coworkers decided to finally cut her from their project entirely. Luckily Vivian already made her plans to move to Nozama and was about ready to depart, so she separated herself from them amicably... neglecting to mention she may have messed with some things and sabotaged some of the research. Maybe, anyways. Though she loved Fallarbor and wouldn’t be against returning one day, Vivian set off for Nozama with little hesitation. She didn’t have any ties holding her back, after all...


  • While Vivian comes off as weird and unusual at first, the truth is deep down she’s very intelligent and observant. She simply doesn’t like hiding her true self, and being “weird” is almost like a defense mechanism. Anyone who doesn’t want to deal with her isn’t someone she wants to interact with.
  • Her greatest dream is to live in a house surrounded by foliage and plants that she’s grown herself. As such she has a surprising eye for landscaping.
  • Unsurprisingly her favorite holiday is Halloween. While not a fan of horror, she likes “spooky” aesthetics.
  • If you ask her earnestly for a favor, she’s unable to say no.