Vincent Amore



1 year, 4 months ago


Amore is a cupid who works for the post office by delivering letters and helping humans fall in love. He’s a friendly and enthusiastic fellow but do not be fooled, he’s also a slutty whore who flirts with everyone, no one is safe

Height: 5’5”

Birthday: February 8th

He’s gender-fluid and can change his physical sex but usually stays as a male. If he rolls up to the function with tits dont be alarmed

Likes: Muscles, Vacations, Watching humans fall in love, Cupcakes, Cute and sweet things, History, Arts and Crafts, Mac & cheese, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, pop rap music, Milfs & Dilfs, fruit loops cereal

Dislikes: Onions, Bitterness and regret, Black and white TV, Being Bored, disapointing outfits on rupauls drag race

Fun facts!

-He prefers to be called by his last name or "Vinny" which is short for Vincent

-He loves messing with his Coworkers but his favorite to bother is Doug because of how easily flustered he is

Vinny’s playlist