Scarlett Valentine



1 year, 7 months ago


Scarlett Valentine, Clan Zadra of Sossios

Nickname: no nickname


20 Sossios years old

183 Earth years old








Scarlett isn't exactly the person with the best morals. If word got out about what he does in his spare time he'd probably be punished along with those who joined in. Even though he's pretty experienced in what he does he can still act a bit naive at times and will walk into things he doesn't really agree to. He can be a bit selfish as he was sorta raised by his family as if he was better than everyone else. Even with his short stature he's very confident and assertive towards his peers. It's rare to find him acting shy. This is only a recent development but he's started to act a bit more humble as he picked up his new hobby, knowing even the best people can have the worst habits. Even after all of this he's still someone you can count on. He's reliable and sticks to his word.


Scarlett was a fifth child in a set of quintuplets. This caused him to be stunted and smaller than usual. He was also born premature and had to be kept in the ICU unit of the hospital his parents stayed in. His parents were actually a couple of 'doctors' and preferred the medical and scientific route to things. However, when their child was miraculously born as an albino everything changed. They were pressured into enrolling Scarlett into a religious school. He was entered at a young age and honestly slacked a lot during class. However, he was favored by his teachers and the rest of his family even if his parents treated him like they do the rest of their children. He was prized and treated as if he was blessed by the gods. Things were handed to him left and right and his parents were even scolded for disciplining him. However, they were able to parent their child enough to keep them from being an egomaniac. As he grew up he was really interested in trying new things. Some of those things were makeup and hair dye, others were piercings and tattoos. His parents agreed to it all even with others' concern. He was allowed to dye his hair and wear makeup. He was even allowed to get piercings. This was mostly due to the fact that the dye and makeup were temporary and the piercings could be removed. However, the rest of his family stepped in before he could get his first tattoo. He started off using colors which people weren't as worried about. However, as soon as the colors started to get darker and darker his family, his teachers, and the rest of society had a cause for concern. Once he started to use black products people were worried that he was a heretic and spread rumors about him. He denied all claims against himself and jokingly threatened to curse those who thought ill of him. This was enough to cause people to cease their rumors at least for the time being. Ever since then he hasn't heard another peep about himself. As he started to enter maturity and his teachers were instructing him on how to hold back his urges during a mating season the lessons only intrigued him. He was excited to try out more new things. Or well, so he thought. His first instance of attempting something actually happened due to his naivety from being sheltered most of his life. It happened with one of his classmates during a study session. At first he hid the instance of impurity but ultimately brought it up with his family. They were supportive and even attempted to have the perpetrator punished. However, his teachers caught word of what happened and lightly reprimanded the boy who performed such an act meanwhile trying to drill into Scarlett's head that it was his fault. They forced him into a pact that his impurity be kept secret. They felt if word got out about what happened he'd be stripped of his title and outcasted. Honestly though, they were more worried about losing their jobs more than anything else. As scarlet grew up he ended up falling in love and had a wonderful consensual relationship with the other Umbrai. This went on for a few years until his lover was ultimately picked to be shipped off as a slave to another planet. During their goodbyes, Scarlett's Esolk attempted to save the relationship by tinkering with the machine. This only ended up getting them killed in the process and their ashes were given to Scarlett in a vial soon after his lover's departure. After losing both his esolk and his first love he had an emptiness in him that he didn't know how to fill. In the years following he started to act on promiscuous urges that were left behind as he longed for his lover's return. He threatened those he played with and used with curses to keep word getting out of his behavior as his teachers instructed. Years past and Scarlett received a letter from the one he lost. Overjoyed and overwhelmed with tears and emotions he rushed to plug in the voice message to his player. Yet... It wasn't his lover's voice. The look was wiped off his face as a waterfall of tears streamed down his face as he was informed of their early death. Ever since then and to this day his promiscuous behavior only became more rampant as he attempted to fill the empty feeling in his heart with false affection.