William Joshua



1 year, 4 months ago


William Joshua, Clan Laurent of Sossios

Nickname: Will


32 Sossios years old

288 Earth years old








William is a bit of a spendthrift. He mostly splurges on popular fashion and typically dresses better than what he can afford. His daughter is trying to help him stop this fashion addiction. He still makes sure he can afford the basics and spend a bit on his kids and pet bird of course. He's also a bit impulsive which can tie into his frequent spending habits. Yet, it also shows in his daily life and some of the major decisions he's made like adopting the orphan chick after killing it's mother. His decisions however, are very inflexible and he refuses to go back on his word. It's what led him to quitting his previous job as a hunter after he realized what he's been doing to the wildlife. Even when he was a hunter he was always known to be sympathetic towards others and the creatures he hunted. It's what lead him to quitting his career. His ex-wife doesn't agree with this but a majority of William's peers would consider him to be an understanding person when faced with something new and unexpected regardless of how good or bad it is. Even though William has a bit of a bad side he doesn't let it keep him from being an excellent and loving parent to his two children.

<warning: sexual content>

William was born into a family on the outskirts of the Laurent clan known to have a lineage of very successful hunters. His family was hoping that he and his siblings would continue this legacy as they grew older and as he entered his childhood it seemed to be going that way. William entered a special hunting school as a child and learned all about the skills and tricks of the trade. By the time he reached his late childhood and early teens he set out with his classmates on small hunting trips to gather up small hortal and other easy prey. He was exceptional but secretly disliked the intense expectations his teachers had of him due to his lineage. He did enjoy the hunt however, as it kept him active and entertained with all of the surprises that came with. Outside of school when his father figure deemed him skilled enough to start hunting larger prey he started to take his son with him on their own hunting trips. William enjoyed these trips as his father was often not home enough to spend time with him. He finally felt like he was able to bond with his father and they became very close. As William entered his teen years he didn't notice when his childhood friend from class, Eliana was starting to take a romantic interest in him. He was just so oblivious to her advances that he assumed they were just friendly gestures. It wasn't until his late teens when on a long hunting trip in winter with his father, a sudden flock of wild ulpies attacked them. Terrified and mournful over his father's recent death, he rushed home to tell his family about what happened. Little did he know, his Esolk was also devoured by the hungry flock as they were knocked off his shoulder when his father pushed him out of the way of the attack. Unable to retrieve the ashes of either family member he settled on taking a bit of snow from that day and keeping it in a water-tight locket that he wears around his neck since that day. He got it from his grandmother who used to keep perfume in it. Sometimes he'll re-freeze the snow in the freezer at home if he starts to think about what happened more than usual that day. Taking a week to recover emotionally after what happened, he returned to school with a different demeanor to his usual excited and upbeat self. He seemed angry, almost vengeful. Eliana noticed his emotional distress but William seemed to keep quiet after what happened. He didn't confide in anyone but his own family, even keeping school therapist visits short. At around 14, a year or two after the incident, William seemed a bit back to his more cheerful self. It was around this time that Eliana decided to pop the question since it seemed like all her attempts to win William over were for nothing. William, being caught off guard decided maybe it was for the best that he agree to date his childhood friend. Maybe it'd give him something else to focus on since he still had frequent thoughts about what happened. To his surprise they hit it off quite well. It wasn't until then that he realized his attraction towards the women in his species and more specifically his childhood friend, now lover. By the time William was reaching adulthood Eliana decided to take him with her to the fertility festival that Umbrai celebrate every year. They lodged into their own private tent and William experienced his first time with her. When they got back home Eli was surprised that nothing came of the experience. William didn't seem too worried about it however, since he only just became an adult that year and he wasn't in any rush to have children. It wasn't more than a month or two after the incident that Eli noticed something might be wrong. The two were still very sexually active after the fertility festival and Eli didn't seem to care about using any form of protection as she was older than Will and had a want to be a mother. William wasn't as fond over the idea of having children so young at his age but wanted to make his partner happy. Going to a local doctor, they determined that Eliana might have fertility issues. William didn't seem to be too concerned with the issue but made sure to comfort his lover who seemed more than distraught about her condition. Knowing now that Eliana has such a condition, the two decided to experiment a bit more in bed. This resulted in William deciding to be the receiver in some instances. Towards the end of the year William suddenly fell ill one morning. Even if they've stopped trying pregnancy tests for months, when they couldn't find any other reason why Will was suffering from such a sudden morning sickness Eli recommended he try one. At first he just shook his head and laughed, telling her how it'd be impossible with her condition but ultimately she rushed to the local pharmacy and had him try it anyway. William walked out of the restroom soon after with a deadpan look on his face. He was in shock as he showed the test to Eli. She was overjoyed, meanwhile William was trying to wrap his head around the concept of having children and having them so early in his life as well. After a while he started to accept his predicament and kinda enjoyed being pampered by his family and Eli while she hunted with his siblings, aunts, and uncles. 9 months later William had his first child who they named Viola. She resembled William a lot in terms of looks which Eli liked to pick on him about. A few years later Eli and William moved out into a place of their own and would take turns going out hunting unless they had enough to hire a babysitter for baby Viola. After Viola William made sure they used protection, not feeling ready for another child when they already had one. Yet, when Viola was three years old Eli convinced William to try and have another child. Wanting to experience the act of childbirth herself and being a mother of her own child, they tried fertility treatments and hired an elder to babysit baby Viola while they went off to the fertility festival again that year. That's when a miracle happened. Eliana fell pregnant with their son whom they named Kayden. By this time William decided to go after larger prey in order to feed his growing family as well as make a profit while his lover stayed home to take care of herself. Even after Kayden was born and Eliana was back to hunting with her lover, William still felt obligated to be the breadwinner of the family due to his lineage and what the rest of the clan expected of him... Especially his family after his father let them down that day because of him. Along the way when Will was about 25 he proposed to Eli and soon the two were married to each other. He didn't see an issue with it all since they were together for so long and there wasn't anything standing in their way that could harm their relationship. Or so, that's what he thought. A few years after they were married William went out hunting one day. He decided to go after a group of black Ulpies nearby a herd of Ipple. He spotted an empty nest nearby and figured the mother was a good target. That's when he realized he didn't want to be a hunter anymore...*

*During the fight against the ulpie he lost both of his right eyes and his left lower arm. He was scratched up all over his body to the point of scarring but he still ended up winning the fight. Just as he was about to take the bird back to his hometown he noticed the nest nearby the battle site and in the nest was a single tiny egg. As he approached the egg it started to crack and hatch and that's when he realized what he'd just done. It reminded him how his father was killed by hungry ulpies in his childhood, leaving him scared and alone in the wilderness. Not wanting the same fate for the infant, he decided to take it upon himself to take care of the small bird which immediately imprinted on him post-hatching and give up his hunting profession forever. He just didn't have the heart for it. Instead he decided to cater towards the families who lost loved ones and took up a new job as a mortician.

When he came home that day with the kill and the baby Eliana was expecting him to kill and use it in a meal that day. This only resulted in them having a fight. This was the first time they ever fought with one another and it was the worst one they've ever had. William walked out on her that day with both children which only seemed to enrage Eli more. She filed for a divorce and was able to take custody over half of their belongings, including William's son Kayden. Will was upset that he lost custody for his second child but seemed more worried over the whole ordeal to care. It wasn't until an entire year and a half later that he attempted to reconcile with Eliana. This didn't do much but at least now Viola and Kayden were allowed to visit each parent every so often. From then on and to present day William tries his best to take care of his children and not put Eli in a bad light for them since she's still technically their other parent. Both his children also love his pet bird whom they collectively named William Jr. after himself.