Jerrica Yiskol



1 year, 4 months ago


Jerrica Yiskol, Clan Luxdrel of Sossios

Nickname: Jerri


21 Sossios years old

189 Earth years old








Jerrica is a very serious person. You'll rarely hear her making jokes but you might catch her playfully picking on her umbrai, Choyan. Her fierce personality can come off as a bit aggressive but it also helps her seem very authoritative. She's confident to the point where she's made creatures much larger than her do her bidding, and I don't just mean umbrai. However, she's also known to be very stressed due to her umbrai's actions and the fact that's she's so overprotective of him. Even with all of this she's known to be very versatile and can basically handle almost every situation she's put in.


Jerrica was the second triplet born to a mother with fertility issues. Both of her parents were very protective of her and her two siblings as they weren't sure if they'd be the only kid's they'd ever have. Jerrica both loved this and hated it as her parents would often be borderline helicopter parents at times. She grew up just like any other Esolk and went to school to learn how to care for an umbrai. During her school years as she entered puberty and matured into an adult she noticed there was definitely something odd about her. She didn't seem too interested in her male classmates and rather enjoyed staring at the girls instead. She decided to talk to her parents about this one day and was met with the reaction she dreaded. Her parent's weren't against her being gay but they would get angry with her for her aversion to having children of her own one day as they've tried so hard to have theirs. They were trying to force their life goals onto their children and Jerrica wasn't having it. They pleaded with her that she at least try it out and go back to the way she wants to be but Jerrica was having none of it. When she was finally assigned to an Umbrai she was actually pretty reluctant to take care of him after her situation with her parents. Eventually though, Choyan did start to grow on her and she almost enjoyed taking care of him. After years of taking care of her umbrai she realized that maybe being a parent wouldn't be so bad... yet, she still had no intention of getting herself pregnant. That was out of the question. Sometimes she even treats Choyan like her own child without realizing it and will sometimes get picked on by him about that. As Choyan started to rebel against his parents, Jerrica tried to protect him from his peers and understood why he might be rebelling. She agreed with him more than the others but didn't agree with how he was going about everything. Ultimately, she was the one who brought up the research job to Choyan's parents which basically saved Choyan from being outcasted or even killed for some of his crimes. Now they live up on the Space Cruiser Nuria with Jerrica as the ship's pilot and a minor help to Choyan with his experiments and research papers.