Diviak Rheackbar



1 year, 7 months ago


Diviak Rheackbar, Clan Cotwyn of Sossios

Nickname: Div


26 Sossios years old

234 Earth years old








Diviak is known by most others as a mature individual. He's very loyal to his assigned umbrai, Eldirav and seems to be understanding of their condition and have a willingness to help them. However, in his own spare time El knows him to be a bit more secretive and mischievous. Most of the time Div tries to hide his inappropriate behavior but sometimes you can catch him saying or doing something a bit off.


Diviak was the 5th quintuplet to a pair of loving parents. In his school years he was known as the 'class clown' and was a bit of a stud among the ladies. Of course, he took advantage of this. However, as he grew up and finished off his schooling years he did mature a little just as he was assigned to the baby Umbrai, Eldirav. At first things were a bit awkward as Div was still a little too immature to handle taking care of his Umbrai. Eventually he did start to take note of some social cues and realized that he needed to fix his behavior. He was informed on El's condition and worked with him on it the best he could. In fact, Div was the one who changed El's father's mind about it all. Now in present day he still tends to have some moments but he tries his best to hide how he really is in order to be more socially acceptable, especially due to El's high status in the Umbrai community.