Valentine de la Croix




i'll give you my heart to make a place for it to happen, evidence of a love that transcends hunger.

name valentine de la croix
gender transfem
pronouns he/she
orientation gay
age 20s
birthday november 11th
s.o/duo aimé marquet
measurements 5'10" - 164lbs
ultimate fashion photographer
role n/a
i don't know if anything else happens...
you're a grown up don't send me that emoji.
ok sorry.
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti esfp
alignment neutral good
leading trait light-hearted
biggest flaw impressionable

Design notes

  • Valentine has dark brown hair with middle-parted bangs dyed pink. The ends of his hair are also dyed pink, as well as a lock of hair by her face. A clip holds back his hair in a loose, messy bun.
  • The bag on her thigh stores her camera.
  • He wears a strange, clear plastic blazer. It is raincoat-like material, and very thick. Red heart patches are on the elbows, with lilac heart buttons.
  • Valentine is almost always smiling, and rarely exhibits anger or sadness. He's also usually sweaty, and her glasses sit uneven on her nose.
  • Overall, he has a tall, thin frame with a rather pathetic build. Her eyes are lilac and monolidded.

to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.


As the Ultimate Fashion Photographer, Valentine has a keen eye for color, lighting, angles, and overall composition of the subject at hand. She adores fashion and has high standards for the models he photographs, constantly tweaking them to meet the high standards of his "perfect" subject. The photographs that Valentine takes are used in tons of fashion magazines, blogs, and advertisements - though, his main priority is telling a story through the photos he takes. Her work is rather serious to her, and no matter how big she gets or how famous the people he is working with are, Valentine's standards are his own.


Valentine is a light-hearted, easily-swayed individual who oozes love with every smile. She does everything unconfidently, afraid to step on other people's toes by exerting his opinion or any boundary. Though this is not to say that she is shy or backs away from conversation - despite being downright clumsy when talking to others, Valentine keeps a positive attitude in all social interactions. It leaves her a bit pathetic, to say the least, especially when coupled with her constant lopsided grins and sweating.


hometown paris, fr
ethnicity wasian
zodiac sagittarius

trope love makes you dumb
d.e. skill conceptualization
animal penguin

voice claim tbd
playlist ♪♫♪

fave food raspbery macarons
fave drink strawberry lemonade

various trivia

  • while his main art form is photography, valentine dabbles in art and architecture appreciation as well. her favorite style of art is cubism, and his favorite style of architecture is art deco.
  • despite being a pathetic guy, valentine can get pretty brutal with his clients. her work means a lot to her, and she can be extremely picky with what she's looking for.
  • valentine's birthday is a reference to 11:11, which is an angel number and a good time to make a wish.
  • she wants to learn how to play the harp, but he's extremely unskilled and too clumsy to do that. all he knows is take pictures.
  • obviously this guys favorite genre of films are romantic comedies.
  • sharing sundaes
  • marble statues
  • purse dogs
  • guardian angels
  • mixed metallics
  • ghost stories
  • lens fingerprints
  • lemon water
  • feeding ducks
  • night walks
  • window shopping
  • painting
