


1 year, 4 months ago



»»-----------LEGENDS OF KROZATHIS-----------►


FULL NAME: Lucian Blackwater
AGE: 200+
SPECIES: Vampire Dragon
ALIGNMENT: Good and Evil
OCCUPATION: Lord of all Vampires



Exaggerates a lot

Uses people without giving anything in return

Always wants to be the center of attention

Will leave you feeling exhausted

dark, brooding, and mysterious. Likes to be in control of situations and people

Opportunism, Insensitivity, Self-Obsession, Thrill-Seeking, Temperamental, and Impulsiveness


Strong-willed; independent nature; confident

Intellectual/highly intelligent

Well-learned/educated, although not necessarily school-educated

Predatory nature

Dark nature

Moodiness/mood swings/quick-tempered



RAYNE - [ Significant Other ]

Rayne has always had a fascination with vampires and immortal beings and strived to become one, she basically begs Lucian to turn her into a vampire when they get together, though he's against it for some time because of how he was forced into being one, it has done nothing but impact him negatively, he wouldn't wish it upon her, but he finally gives in because she convinced him it'll allow them to be together forever, instead of him watching her grow old and eventually pass away.

However, even if their relationship was great at first, it would eventually become clear to her that Lucian suffers greatly with his past, and the memory of his late wife and child hangs above him a lot, it was clear his first wife still had all of his love, and while he does care for Rayne, It's not how it should be.

Rayne had wanted a child with Lucian badly, she would bring it up here and there but never pressed very hard as she understood how much pain he still carried from his past, which included his late daughter, Lucian for a long time was sure he wouldn't ever have kids again, nor love. So he never returned the interest in having a child.

All this and more is what led to the couple having an explosive break up. But the final nail in the coffin that pushed the break up to happen was the fact that Lucian had begun to express his desire to be normal again, he no longer wanted to be a vampire, not seeing eye to eye completely, Lucian cut ties and flew off. The breakup really affects Rayne, heartbroken, she sees no use in living forever at that point, since she wanted it more than ever after falling in love with him.

As time went on she found no joy in life and disappeared from existence for a while. Rayne had eventually tried to end herself, however, it didn't go as planned and she wound up in a state of being half dead. During all that time, Lucian had been on his own journey, he was cured and normal again, but not everything was great, of course the people still hated him, or didn't trust him, treated him poorly for all the things he had done as the vampire lord. But eventually as he kept proving himself, the people lightened up on him.

Lucian would ultimately get something he never got, closure to his past, with no more responsibility on his shoulders, and all the darkness lifted from him, he could now think clearly and breathe the fresh air. He was now able to properly come to terms with all his loss and say his goodbyes. In doing so he felt free and at peace, which only made the memories of Rayne resurface, Lucian reflected on his time with her and realized how poorly he treated her, but he also realized that he still cares for her and even loves her. Lucian had returned to the castle to confront Rayne, but she wasn't there, in fact his castle seemed nearly abandoned. He would proceed to go on a long hunt for her, desperately searching for the one he lost. He would eventually find her and pour out his heart to her, all while helping her get back to full health, the two will share a sappy heart to heart moment and get back together, this time with a child of their own and a stronger bond. Lucian will also opt to become a vampire again, but since it was his choice this time he'll have better control over it and not be as cruel.



He was a very sweet and honorable man, he had a wife and daughter and a stable job in a small town to protect and defend it from monsters.

However one night a vampire who had been observing Lucian, drawn in by his skills, broke into his home with the goal to turn him into a vampire, since he felt Lucian would make an excellent servant. He succeeded in turning Lucian and killing his family, with not so much as a word he left Lucian to his transformation and new self discovery.

Lucian did his best to ignore his new vampire cravings for a month until he snapped, turning on the people he loved and protected for years as hunger drove him mad. Ashamed of what he did he left home and ventured right into the arms of his maker, but Lucian had a plan of revenge against this vampire, who turned out to be the Lord of all vampires.

For now Lucian would lay low and obey every command given to him, having to earn trust and climb the social hierarchy. Eventually over the years however his mind and soul were poisoned from the darkness that he nearly forgot about his revenge and the life he once had, and now was more interested in overthrowing this vampire king for his own desires.

Now Lucian was second in command, and one night as the King was giving an important speech to all his subjects, Lucian killed him right then in front of everyone, establishing his power and dominance as the new vampire king. Lucian's reign was one of absolute terror and power, he became the strongest and smartest vampire of all.

To this day Lucian will be hit randomly with memories of his old life. He calls these nightmares and still holds regret and shame for the monster he's become but never lets it show in public.





Mind reading

See and read auras

Extra-sensory perception (ESP)

Clairaudience, being able to mentally hear things from a distance

Clairvoyance, being able to mentally see things from a distance

Clairsentience, having knowledge that one cannot explain

Audiovoyance, being able to see and/or hear spirits and possibly communicate with them



Astral travel/astral projection


Invisibility, although not as in the Invisible Man kind of invisibility; the kind of invisibility where one can blend into a setting, room and/or crowd, and not be noticed by anyone looking for them.


Past-life memories

Immortal soul and a belief in reincarnation

Experience déjà vu quite frequently

Involved in "alternative" religions (such as pagan, Wiccan, satanic, etc.) or have "alternative" spiritual beliefs


code by hanyu