Fortification Agate



1 year, 7 months ago


My semi-unstable fan fusion between Steven and Jasper ✌🏻

Lake Superior Agate, or Fortification Agate - They/them

Height: 6 meters, 19 feet

Despite being a semi-unstable fusion, their components are clutching at each other so desperately, Jasper due to being rejected by all of her fusion partners and Steven just wants to breathe and stop being Steven for a little.

Despite being born on the flimsy foundations of negations ("I don't want to be alone", "I don't want to be me") the fulfillment of those two wishes is enough for Lake Superior to never stop wanting to exist. It's two traumatized people enabling each other's running from responsibilities so they can do that too, and feel good, feel strong in the process.

• They have a conflicted relationship with grass.

Fortification never wants to kill or shatter, because they perceive that as a cowardly move, the one of a gem that's not strong or sure enough to confront others without giving them the chance to fight back or better themselves for future fights. They prefer to show superiority by beating and then sparing their opponents, as they feel as if it also gives them power over them. Keeping everyone alive is their weird flex. 🤷

Jasper's power thirst, Steven's compassion, and both of their wish to feel strong are completely sated by this compromise.