Tbn🎀's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

pastel_corpse Global Rules


Credit me for the design ,Redesigns are fine aslong as im still credited and its not editing my work

If u received this design from me for art/customs/trade u can only ask for art/trade in return please dont sell them for $ unless u have commissioned art then u may sell for the amount the commissioned art was🥺

If u bought with $ u can ask for the amount u bought then with when u resell but u can only ask for more $ if u have commissioned art (if u have art from art trades, gifted or from others as payment for something u can only ask for art extra and not more money)

Art by u can only be ask for art in return not more $

 So if u bought with $10 and did a full of them u can sell for $10 and 1 full

Don't delete them off th ever!!!

Lmk when u sell the oc just so ik

If any of the these rules being broken can/will result in a warning or blacklist

If u have any concerns about if u can trade,gift,sell any of my designs just dm me and ill be happy to help (either on th or on Instagram Adopts.corpse or pastel.corpse)