Anne Paucoll



1 year, 3 months ago


Anne Paucoll
Grand Magician
Let the magic solve all your worries!
anne paucoll
half akakian

she / her
asexual ( )

lawful good
head of magic research in Akakios
forever homed


Anne is the current head of magical research in Akakios, and the beloved prodigy of the Paucoll family. She has a childish personality, but her smarts are not to be underestimated! Her two pet birds, Hou and Dini, are her most trusted assistants.

In her free time, Anne's true passion is performance. She is often seen in the streets of the Capital, performing show magic for passerbys. She hopes to show the world that magic can be more than an instrument of war.

  • her birds
  • magic
  • researching
  • conflict
  • cats
  • skeptics
Confidence [ 70% ]
Charisma [ 40% ]
Honesty [ 100% ]
Diligence [ 80% ]
Intelligence [ 100% ]

  • She's the distant cousin of Alika and Aeolus.
  • She's only half Akakian, her mother is from Severnius.
  • Anne often skips official meetings, sending other researchers to attend in her place.
  • She doesn't have many friends. :(
  • From a noble family, but grew up as a commoner since she's an illegitimate child.
design by MCAverse
Design Notes

  • Her hair is dyed with magic in order to be that bright.
  • The black and blue outfit is her work uniform.
  • The red outfit is her casual/everyday/performance wear.
  • Keeps candy in her pockets!
  • The birds like to hide in her scarf.
  • Since she's only half Akakian, she doesn't have pointed ears. But she does have slit pupils in her eyes!

Camilla Tomic former colleague

Camilla worked under Anne for a short while, but their time together was lots of fun! Camilla is a mage that Anne highly respects, and she always looks forwards to her visits back to Akakios.

Alika Astor cousin

Anne and Alika are distant cousins, only meeting for the first time later in life once Anne began to work in the castle. Nevertheless, they trust each other a lot and Alika will always have Anne's loyalty.


Sionnan is the Mage General of Akakios, handling all the military aspects of Akakios's magical efforts. Anne looks up to Sionnan a lot, both for her magical prowess and her ability to handle military affairs.