


1 year, 4 months ago


Character info: 

  • Gender: female
  • Age: 18
  • Species: na’vi (reef)
  • Personality: quite shy, doesn’t like talking much, get’s really nervous around new people and situations, can be open with people she trust

other information

  • Spent most of her childhood with the metkayina clan however she always felt like an outcast due to her lighter skin colour, instead of having dark teal skin
  • one day she decided to ride her ilu out of the reef and away from the metkayina settlement 
  • she ended up riding her ilu to the rainforest of pandora, she let her ilu go free and started traveling through the rainforest  
  • within the first few hours of being in the forest she was caught off guard by a thanator which resulted in half her left ear being torn off and a scar on the left side of her face. She was lucky to have escaped with a few cuts.
  • she travelled for days until she came across an omaticaya tribe member, at the same time Ta’ku passed out from exhaustion 
  • after being taken to where the omaticaya tribe live, she was nursed back to health by Mo’at
  • she was given the option to stay or be taken back to the metkayin, she decided to stay
  • Ayaru (the member that found them) was assigned to teach Ta’ku how to live in the forest