F.U.B. Circus



1 year, 4 months ago


Hey there! Welcome to the "F*ck You, B*tch!" Circus!

…What? You thought you were gonna see a show? Oh, you will. This show is filled with people that have really crossed the line, broken one of my severe rules (or multiple infractions to the point it can't be tolerated anymore), or just pissed me off to the point that their actions needed to be called out.

Consider this my blacklist. These people are just clowns in general. Take nothing they do or say seriously. They are not allowed to own any of my characters, or have any contact with me. I'm not even going to hear out their appeals. I'll just honk their red nose to remind them that they're still a clown and they are below me and anyone with an IQ of 1 or above.

Internship F.U.B.'s

These are clowns who haven't necessarily enrolled in Clown College yet, and may be laid off of the F.U.B. Circus after a certain amount of time of performing for the people (This blacklist is temporary and people will be taken off after the displayed period of time is up).

None yet. Let's keep the show dead.

Sideshow F.U.B.'s

These are clowns who have graduated Clown College and have been accepted into the F.U.B. Circus as a Sideshow Performer. Their act is mainly for secondary entertainment, and they may be laid off if they get their life together and resolve their life issues (This is an indefinite blacklist and can only be removed if they resolve the reason with me on why they got onto the blacklist in the first place).

Endyr - (Could not inform them of this blacklist, if anyone is affiliated with them, please inform them of their reasons.)

Honestly, I was contemplating if I should even put them here or not. In the end, I decided to do so because they didn't even try to resolve the trading conflict down below. They were pretty spoiled and disrespectful to me, especially when they heard months of my work had gone to waste. I say spoiled since they have a variety of characters from this closed species when the character I was trading for was going to be my first one. I mean- Wouldn't it be more reasonable to try and diffuse the situation by just letting that character go? You have so many, what was so important about him to argue your end to keep him?

To add salt to the wound, this person is a MOD for this closed species! And the person below them is the OWNER! To think that they couldn't even try to diffuse a simple situation really makes my blood boil, especially since I had been really interested in this closed species until then. I definitely don't recommend this closed species to anyone anytime soon, save yourself the trouble!

However, I'm holding out for SOME faith that the mod realizes that their behavior was out of order, and that they could return the character so that I may at least finish my end of the trade and receive the character I had worked months for to end this conflict on a high note. Otherwise, they will remain here indefinitely.

Main Performers of the F.U.B. Circus

These clowns have graduated Clown College at the highest degree and have been accepted into the F.U.B. Circus without hesitation. They are the main events of the Circus, which is why the Ringleader will never lay them off. They are his main source of income (This blacklist is permanent, and is only to display people who have committed the most serious actions against me, affiliated people, my characters, or my account).

xefer - (To anyone affiliated with them, please inform them of the reasons, I could not get in touch with them.)

I tried to hold out for some faith for Xefer to take the hint that leaving peacefully was supposed to be the end of this argument, however what they did sealed their fate here permanently.

A trading conflict for a closed species called the Carnihellions was the start of the dispute. I had been working on my end of a trade for months which was slowed due to my college terms (I have free tuition and I'm putting college as my first priority in order to maintain the free tuition). They were understanding at first, but when I was at church at the time of reading this, they had put the character I was trading back up for offer. I had updated them after I got back from church, but to no avail, since someone (who already had a lot of clowns compared to my none) had purchased them. I was very hurt since this meant the work I had put months into went to waste. This made me lose interest in the species for the most part, as I decided to leave peacefully to avoid an argument. However, Xefer did not take the hint, as they proceeded to void my tickets (which may or may not be protocol, but could also be an unnecessary jab when it could have ended when I left). I was very iffy about where to go from there, I wanted to still have faith in them because I had positive views on them until now. However, when they decided to put me on their blacklist with false claims, I unfortunately decided to make this blacklist permanent. This course of action was very immature of them and extremely unnecessary, along with being very offensive towards me, who wanted to not make much more of a problem than just a goodbye message to the server. To the claims of "bad faith with no updates," I had told you multiple times that college is going to be my first priority. I gladly accommodate updates as long as you notify me requesting one. They also accused me of guilt tripping, which…is absolutely false. There is no evidence showing that I am guilt tripping. The only thing that even comes remotely close to it is letting you know that my college terms are slowing me down, which is more of a notice rather than downright guilt tripping. Finally, there is no evidence to support that I "lie to paint myself in a better light." I never deceive anyone that I am doing business with. I do want to try and make updates when there is good progress or news, however. If you are referring to that, then that is not lying whatsoever. That is simply being optimistic. Again, you were always free to request an update BEFORE putting them back up for offer. However, this unnecessary escalation, as well as these false claims seals their fate here permanently.

For future traders: Sometimes I may not be able to see your messages due to work or college. However, if I do happen to accidentally ghost a request for an update, please notify me again! I want to do whatever I can to tailor to your needs while I finish your end.