Quiet Revolution



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Quiet Revolution, QR, Revolution




75% scavenger, 25% vulture


Young adult







A curious, observant, imaginative creature. QR is reasonably cautious in unfamiliar situations but can be a bit naive despite this. They are lively and open, but can be a bit sensitive at times. 

Even in an uncomfortable situation, they are dedicated to their tasks and will try their hardest to make sure they are completed properly. They have a close bond with EW and is rather fond of FWD and DFS.

As of late they are less likely to listen to themself and are not keen on trusting their judgement. They’re terrified of overlooking something serious again. On the other hand, though, they’re more inclined to second guess a situation  if something feels wrong with them.

They are unsettled by both scavengers and vultures. Vultures more so, due to their typically aggressive nature, but the uncanny resemblance they have to scavengers makes them a bit uneasy. It’s bearable, but they try to avoid the local scavenger tribe if they can help it.


Created as a bio-engineering project by Endless Winds with Familiarity with Dissonance’s assistance. Completes tasks for them when requested and tends to stay near their can, but they are free to roam if they so choose.

QR was sent to DFS’ can in their time of need and were the one to carry the sick puppet back to EW’s chamber, where they could be kept until their superstructure was rendered safe again.

The sight of rot makes them a bit uncomfortable since then. They’ve never really liked it, but now it’s more noticeable. 

They were previously infected with the rot after remnants of the stuff from DFS’ can got into an open wound caused by a piece of broken rebar. They hate themself for not catching on sooner. They were aware of the cysts, or at least they were when they first showed themselves, but believed it was a rash or hives or something of the like. Later down the line, they contracted a cough and had been feeling short of breath. 

Their symptoms only worsened as time went on until every breath was a small-scale battle. Eventually they were dragged to the nearest iterator (as they were away from EW on a mission; they flat out refused help for a while as well, not wanting to fail their task) and had as much of the stuff removed as possible, the rest being neutralized with a genome edit. They have a scar on their left side as a result.

On occasion, QR will wear a vulture-like mask. Usually it’s for safety or intimidation purposes, but if they ever needed to be more formal, they’d likely wear it then as well. 

As a result of their artificial creation, their pupils are more rectangular. After contracting the rot, their pupils were x-shaped, but once they were cured they returned mostly to normal. When their pupils contract/narrow they still become x-shaped as a lingering sign of the disease. This seemed to have no impact on their vision.