Omen Donwick




Omen Donwick
Neutral Evil
Necromancy Student
Fraidy-Cat Extraordinaire

The middle child of Lothaire Donwick's lot, Omen's other father incurred a bloodline curse after breaking a magic mirror belonging to a witch. They cursed him and his descendants to have bad luck until the mirror could be restored to its former glory- an impossible task given the frame itself was broken beyond repair, and the witch themself melted it down to use its metal for other items. Lothaire killed the witch(and the other father) in his fury, but the damage was done- and the kitten who'd receive the curse next was already on the way. That child was Omen Donwick- who, despite having a safety net in the form of genetic vampirism, grew up constantly afraid of the world around him and the disasters it inevitably wroght. The worst of the effect is on Omen's magic, which when cast directly always backfires. Because of this, Omen casts ritualistically- with a particular talent for summoning and necromancy. 

Despite his fearful nature, however, the unexplained have always fascinated Omen- in a world full of magic, the mysteries of the world pique his interest like nothing else does. He's a frequent poster on the Radio Wonder forum- doing what he can to investigate the mysteries surrounding dark magic clubs, disappearances, and what lies beyond the boundaries of the world. With whispers of eldritch influence at his college, and his Cursebreaking professor acting erratically, however, what lies beyond may be closer than he realizes....

  • Able to transform into a cat at will so long as his Cloak(usually his hat) is with him. The Cloak can shapeshift to look like anything
  • Able to transform into mist at will
  • Vampiric Ability- Can summon any object or creature so long as it's something someone near him- or he himself- fears. Can also summon eldritch entities without the need for ritual casting, though whatever he summons is always terrifying.
  • Can summon the spirits of the dead via ritual paper. Has the summons for his family's ghostly members on him at all times.
  • Supernatural bad luck- any non-ritual spells backfire and he is supernaturally disaster-prone.
  • Turns fully into a vampire during his chapter of Tails From Radio Wonder
  • Still easily startled post-arc, but takes anxiety medication and is a lot less genuinely fearful
  • The Pugsley to Janine's Wednesday
  • Collects good luck charms and skulls
Poppy Pointer - Raphael B.
code by hanyu