


6 years, 2 months ago



During Heatherpool's days as a kit, she will be the usual naive and unaware kit but as she begins to get exposed to the true dangers of clan life. She'll slowly begin to go through the morphing of her personality, becoming dignified. She'll begin to lose the will kit orientated games and will begin to disassociate herself from other kits and rather try to make relations with apprentices and warriors in order to make herself as seen higher than the other kits. She'll come off as mean and self-absorbed to others and will regard herself as higher than them. She will think that she's worthy of respect when in reality, she is seen as rude and mean. With her attitude, she will also be seen as more serious rather than playful. She will try to prove herself to her clan and it's members with being dignified to gain the respect of her clanmates. Another trait of hers is eloquent in which she will be persuasive with her tongue and fluent in doing so. She will use this trait to try and persuade others whether it comes to more political matters or just getting someone to do something for her. Heatherpool is also individualistic and is very self-reliant. Upon developing into her dignified trait, she will also gain her individualistic trait and slowly begin to separate herself from others such as her friends and family. She'll slowly begin to go her own way and deny help from anyone, when offered help she'll snap at them or tell them blatantly that she doesn't need it, more determined to prove herself to the clan than seem weak. She'll begin to adapt the mind set that if she accepts help from someone even once, she'll be seen a weak by her clan which scares her more into developing her individualistic trait. She'll start to get angry if anyone even lifts a paw to try and help her with something, even if she's on the brink of death itself.

Heatherpool is organized and likes to keep her things where she can remember them. She enjoys the neatness of a kill such as there being no blood, and likes her surroundings to be tidy and kempt. She also likes having her thoughts organized and her day planned out, and if her thoughts are all over the place she will easily become overwhelmed and lose her focus. She is unbiased and will never hold bias towards one cat or another despite them being related to her or apart of her clan. She will see the situation for what it is and will completely disregard herself from it to give fair judgment in the matter. Another trait of hers is being absentminded and will often lose her train of thought and will sometimes even have her sentences cut off due to not remembering what she was going to say halfway through. She'll even forget her own actions halfway through doing them and will struggle to remember what she was doing. Usually she'll grow flustered due to this but she'll mostly try to hide it by switching the topic or deciding to do something else, feeling dumb for being absentminded most the time. She is also ambitious and while she may not have too much of a desire for being something higher like a leader or deputy, it's definitely there. However this trait is not only bad but also good, pushing her ambitious strive to prove that she's not just a nuisance, but more than that. She won't actively strive for leader, but she'll strive to prove that she's more. Heatherpool is competitive and this trait kicks in as soon as her dignified trait does. She will begin to compete more with other members of the clan and even her own friends and family, wanting to be on top and seen as the better out of everyone else. She can become both a fun type of competitive and a not so fun type of competitive. She'll become so hellbent on being on top that she'll even go as far as hurting her own family or friends (though not majorly), just to get to the top. By an outsider she can be seen as greedy and selfish, someone who only cares about themselves and no one else. Despite her being competitive, she'll still care about her friends and family, but to a lesser degree due to her being greedy and blind to them. For those who she doesn't know, she'll feel no remorse towards them. If she's been beat by someone, she'll feel a strong sense of embarrassment and will feel this way for a while.

She's experimental and will usually experiment with things whether it be new fighting moves or other things. She's always up to experiment new things in hopes of finding a new style or something else. She's always down to try new things unless it clashes with one of her traits. She is impressionable and is easily able to be left an impression on, both good and evil. If she idols someone, she will begin to follow in their footsteps whether it's bad or good will go beyond her. She's borderline gullible except that the influence given to her can be good or evil. once she's been left an impression on, her personality will begin to change to fit that persons ideals, morals, and goals. She is placid and is not usually easily upset or excited and it'll take her some to those two points. It won't take her a lot, but will definitely take something to get her to the points of being excited or upset. Heatherpool is amoral and doesn't exactly have any morals. She will go with whatever she thinks is right or wrong and will completely disregard the warrior code as nothing more than a pointless set of laws. She'll adapt to the morals of those who have impression-ed her and will disregard everything else. She's clumsy and will often lose her footing most the time, trip over her own tail, etc. In a battle she'll more than likely fall a bunch or fail to dodge an attack, or even accidentally miss an attack on someone. During hunting she'll also snap a few twigs or miss the prey entirely.

Heatherpool is dishonest and has the tendency to lie right through her teeth. She will only be honest when she thinks the situation could benefit her, or if the situation isn't her getting in trouble, otherwise she will completely lie. She is also faithless and has no faith in an upper deity such as StarClan. She believes that it doesn't exist and that everyone else is naive to believe that StarClan exists. She also doesn't have any belief in the Dark Forest. Even though she has no belief in these things, she keeps it to herself most the time and will not voice these opinions out loud due to the fear of backlash. She is impatient and has little patience, not enjoying a long wait for something. She will often grow angry with the longer time she has to wait, sometimes even going as far as outright complaining. She has no patience and will often display that. Overall, Heatherpool is judgmental and will often judge those by first appearance or by the first few words that come out of their mouths. She'll even go as far as to judge them for the little things such as the way they present themselves, if they slouch, etc.


— she has no belief in starclan or the dark forest.

— she is aromantic asexual. she can take on a mate but will barely regard them as anything more than a close friend at most and will barely act romantic towards her "mate" (i.e, a small brush up against them, or a nudge). in a romantic aspect, heatherpool will tolerate having either a female or male as her mate, and has no problems with polymory as well (though she still won't love them and will just consider them closer friends). also, kits are an option for her, but she won't love them to the strongest degree a queen should. she will like and tolerate them.

— when stressed or depressed, she will have the tendency to overeat and binge eat. this will lead to her being overweight.

— heatherpool is a silver torbie.

— her strengths are: swimming, hearing, and sight. her weaknesses are: hunting, climbing, and fighting (generally due to her being clumsy).

— she got the prefix "heather", due to how her markings look: elegant like a flower, like heather. she got the suffix "pool", for her being a great swimmer.

— on the bridge of her nose slightly she is missing some fur, making the area look a bit pinkish. she also has a small tooth sticking out on the left side of her mouth.

— she has a small scar on her right side around the back leg area, though it can't be seen due to her long fur.