Blu (Cuddleray)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

g3rudo Global Rules

You can do almost anything with a design once it is yours- I no longer own the design and will not revoke what rightfully belongs to you! However, please read and follow these few rules:

Do not co-own or make co-owner profiles of my designs before contacting me. I am typically fine with co-ownership, but do not come to me with any future disputes that may occur!

Do not transfer a design's ownership to someone without a Toyhouse account before contacting me. I'd prefer if all of my designs stay on Toyhouse, but in a case where someone doesn't have an account, please reach out!

Do not make inspired or alternate forms of my designs that're closed species before contacting me. As long as the rules of the species are being followed, I'll be good with it! Do not create new closed or open species, and do not create off-brand or fake versions of popular closed species based off of my designs! (Look-a-likes are okay, but you cannot claim that they're unofficial or one-offs.)

Do not use any of my designs commercially (i.e. physical or digital merchandise, premade fursuits, etc) before contacting me. I will never say no, but depending on the type of use, there may be a fee!

Please make sure to give proper credit, especially if uploading my designs publicly and/or offsite! You can credit me as "g3rudo" and link back to my Toyhouse. 

Once a design leaves my hands, how it is resold, traded, or given out is out of my control. However, if any rule-breaking activity occurs with one of my designs, please report it to Toyhouse and reach out to me.

Designs bought directly from me will have a set value, and the design may not be sold for a higher amount until value is added! I typically will not check to see how a design is transferred once it leaves my hands, but please do not resell it for higher in respect of the buyer. Value can be added by commissions or personal art.

If you received a design in a trade, you may not sell it without added value (even if it already has a set value). In cases of emergency where you need to sell a design but do not have added value, please reach out to me! I will never say no to someone in need, but I would like to be informed beforehand to avoid miscommunication. Vouchers are fine as long as the money does not touch your hands.

You are allowed to regift or trade freebies, but you may NOT sell them for any currency if value has not been added. Art you received for free also does not count towards the value unless the artist explicitly says otherwise.

I have the regular DNI that most other people have- this includes transmeds, political or religious extremists, DID/other illness fakers, etc.

My greylist is a list of users who break my design TOS or personal boundaries but I believe do not deserve to be put on my blacklist. This is temporary and if you are on here and wish to be removed, please just message me so we can talk about it! People on here will usually be removed after a few months.

  • No current greylist.
My blacklist is located here.

~ last edited 6/20/2024 ~