Do You Reckon of Arkenites



1 year, 3 months ago


Sex: Female. Created by Natural means.

Disability: None

Type: Stock

Stock Caros are perhaps the most common natural caros, and their popularity is validated, it's a matter of fact that stock caros can do just about anything another caro can do just at a slightly limited capacity, a jack of all trades for the rider who needs both something relatively fast and strong.


Your Caro respects power and listens to whomever seems in charge. Your Caro doesn't seem to care if they have friends or not. Do You Reckon likes to bend your commands to their favour, and tests you with it.. Do You Reckon finds play to be enjoyable, but after a while of chasing a worm on a string for a while, they often just laze there on the ground and expect you to do the work.. Do You Reckon is prone to easily hating other caros, you suspect it's because they are very standoffish.. Do You Reckon sees your rider's family in the highest regard, seeing all family members as their own. Your Caro tries to be fair, but will stoop to their level if required

History (WIP)

Do You Reckon grew up miserable, living in a large Arkenite colony on the plains. As a cub, Do You Reckon was often found in the fields playing with a wild caro cub that would frequently would visit the settlement. Do You Reckon went on adventures with the wild caro's family, who tolerated the outsider and learned new survival skills and fears set in that the cub was slowly turning feral. To stop this, the village recruited someone to take them Do You Reckon as their caro.