

A retired student nurse whose questionable part-time gig led her into the underbelly of the criminal underworld, Ceedee bides the time she spends avoiding police custody by banking off of ripped torrents and appendages of... dubious quality. Despite her otherwise stoic, unimpressionable exterior, she's mostly drawn to the strange, bizarre, and unfamiliar.

▶ Hand-drawn, traditional anatomy studies from the late 1500s.
▶ Snails, slugs, and other gastropods.
▶ Gothic trinkets, and trinkets in general.
▶ VHS films.

▶ Looking in the mirror.
▶ Furred rodents.
▶ Carbonated beverages, mostly of darker pigmentation.
▶ Obscenely baggy clothing.

▶ Ceedee was originally born in Los Angeles, California, however only remained there for so long due to how frequently her parents moved.
▶ Being a cyborg, most of Ceedee's body, excluding her upper arms and thighs, is purely synthetic.
▶ Ceedee's legal name was once "Beatrix," often misspelled "Beatrice," before she changed it for security reasons.
▶ Despite having once strove for a medical degree, Ceedee's reasoning for pursuing a more "underground" job narrowed down to two things: variety, and self-fulfillment.

 NAME Ceedee Torrente



 SEXUALITY Pansexual

 AGE 26