Cascade Colony



1 year, 3 months ago


Cascade Colony
- Perseverance & resilience -







Herbalist novice



Surrounded by tall snow-capped mountain whose spring meltwater feeds into a large crystalline lake and sustains an abundance of alpine tundra and forest wildlife, Cascade Colony is located in a place of paradise.


Mice, voles, shrews, moles, squirrels, birds, dormice, rats, chipmunks, rabbits, hares

Foxes, badgers, stoats, beavers, polecats


● RIVERCLAN: Mauris molestie, magna quis pretium pellentesque, enim lacus iaculis mauris, et ullamcorper eros felis sit amet quam.

● WINDCLAN: In venenatis sem lorem, id scelerisque enim rutrum eget. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet.

● SHADOWCLAN: In suscipit tempus tortor ut volutpat. Nam sodales egestas tempor. Proin rhoncus et odio vel laoreet.

Members [26]

● LEADER: Vulturestar - Large, bulky dark brown mackerel tabby tom with pale orange eyes.

● DEPUTY: Goosecackle - Gray mackerel tabby and white tom with violet eyes.

● MEDICINE CAT: Admiralflutter - Ruddy, thick-furred molly with a permanent scowl as a large scar curves upward her muzzle. Has amber eyes.

APPRENTICE: Spireashell


- Snakecurl - Brown classic tabby molly with yellow eyes.

KITS: Batkit - Thin dark grey-brown classic tabby tom-kit with yellow eyes. ; Constrictorkit - Brown classic tabby molly with amber eyes.


- Leafcatcher

- Shadowvine

- Cobrashriek - Tall, lithe classic tabby tomcat with white speckling, and a set of large, dark colored ears. Has leaf-green eyes and a thin, long tail.

- Morningtrill

- Mudlily


- Vinepaw


- Bromeliadscar - A thin, shaggy molly with a ruddy pelt. Only has a small portion of her tail left and is missing a large piece of her right ear.


Hidden in an unusual gentle dipping in the ground, CascadeClan has made their home in what is called the 'heart' of the forest. The leader's den is a hollowed out western red cedar's trunk. It is closest to the clan's entrance. Residing close to the leader's den is elder's den, a fallen tree which had been hollowed out and swathed with ferns and other flora to ensure protection from drafts and the harsh elements of nature. A curtain of ferns covers the entrance. Towards the other side of the clan's entrance is the warrior's den.

The warrior's denis similar to the elder's, as it's a fallen tree that had been broken off into a sizable shape for the camp. While it's a bit limited on space, there are plans to making an extension for the warrior's den. Near the warrior's den is the apprentice's den. It's a bit tucked behind towards the back of the clan camp's dip Instead of hollowed out trees, the apprentice's den is created by a western larch sapling's thick cover. Sticks have been collected and placed into the ground forming a barrier for the den. Inspired by watching beavers, the sticks are held in place with mud as well, and thick coverings of ferns and other flora to help to add greenery and a nicer looking scene for the apprentice's den.

Right beside the apprentice's den is the nursery. Near the back of the camp, the ground had steepened, no longer a gentle slope, which creates a sort of cliff/ridge-like difference in the ground level. Nearly half of a fallen hollowed out tree is propped up against the sudden rise, and a wide enough piece of the fallen tree has been broken off to create a nice entrance. The front of the nursery has been planted with shrubs and decently sized rocks hold the fallen tree from sliding. Inside, the rising ground had been dug into to provide more space for the nursery. This is also where the mud used for the apprentice's den comes from.

Lastly, the medicine cat's den is partially isolated from the rest of camp. Bunches of maidenhair ferns and other varying species of ferns and other flora shields the medicine den. In this isolated area, the medicine cats also have a small garden area to grow necessary herbs such as catmint in which they have easy access and care to. Finally reaching the medicine den, it's tucked into the very noticable corner of the clan's dip, to the point where rocky patches of the steep ground level difference show. The entrance to the medicine cat's den is narrow and rocky on all sides. It widens up into a main cave, which also leads to two more caves. The main cave is big enough to fit in seven cats at a time.

There's also an underground river in the main cave, right at the edge. Moss grows on the sides and the edges. Three large mossy beds have been set up to treat patients. Parallel to the river are the herb stores, which are stored on rocky shelves or dips where the wall is earth and not rock. One of the caves from the main cave is the medicine cats' designated sleeping area while the other is another room for patients who are still recovering and need the watchful attention of the medicine cats.

Fireflies-and-ferns clearing

The name is often shortened to Fireferns Clearing. This clearing is located northwest of the clan's camp fairly closely. It's a beautiful grassy space with a variety of ferns growing at the edges. The grass is soft under paw and the soil below is cool and moist. Not moist enough to get stuck on paw pads, but the mixture of soft grass and the slightly damp soil makes it a great spot or training apprentices, shall they find themselves thrown off and landing on the ground.

Despite it's long name, it's rings true. At night fireflies will arise, omitting a gentle yellow green glow as they start their dance for the night. This only happens in green-leaf though.

The Owl Tree

Home to a large great horned owl, this place is heralded with respect, fear, and admiration alike. Owl pellets litter the foot of te tree and at night the sound of hooting can be heard, as well as the flash of bright yellow owl eyes seen. This tree is a very large and ancient cottonwood tree, and is very unique in appearance; you can't mistake it for anything else. This is located westward of the clan's camp, a fairly far distance away. Small cats and kits beware, during long cold and hungry days of leaf-bare the great horned owl may look towards cats to prey on. In late new-leaf, green-leaf, and early leaf-fall it's fine to traverse closely, but please do treat the Owl Tree with respect and caution.

Crystalbee's Lake

Eastward of the clan's camp, where the forest thins and opens to a beautiful lake with the snowcapped mountains visible, the lake is named Crystalbee's Lake. It was named in honor of the deputy who had sacrificed herself to save an expectant queen and an apprentice during sudden a new-leaf flood. The lake is teeming with species of trout, whitefish, northern pike, and a few other varities.

Enchanted Cavern

A smaller cavern than the Blessed Lagoon's, but just as beautiful with a lagoon and the glowworms. It is also nicknamed Lover's Hideaway, as it was found in the past by a clan cat and her margay forbidden mate, used to meet up in secrecy.

Haunted Hallows

An area of deceased, darkened trees with hollowed trunks where hardly any flora or fauna can be found. only rocks, lichen, and dirt decor the area. no one knowswhat happened. [TERRITORY (OLD)] CascadeClan is located in the verdant Glacial National Park, a location teeming with huge western red cedars, hemlocks, and cottonwoods. Eastward the ground slopes gently downwards and the forest become thinner- opening up to a beautiful glacial lake with the sights of the snowcapped mountains visible. The orest becomes more drier and dominated with deciduous tree species up north. Southward, a forest fire had previously burnt a generous amount of the forest, clearing out the matured trees and thick undergrowth. Now scatterings of lodgepole pines as well as shrubs and grasses grow there. There are also cascading waterfalls from rivers and creeks fed by the meltwater from the mountains.