Eddie (Darkness)



1 year, 4 months ago


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klb4Z04UFZg (VOICE?)

i cant say all too much because i plan on making the story his apart of a  comic. but i will say this; Eddie is a demon that was banished from  hell to the living world.  to keep himself alive Eddie must find a host. and for a LONG while he  jumped around from one host to another. until he came across  someone..different. not in the sense that they looked different or  anything but Eddie just had a feeling that once he possessed this  someone, there would be no going back. and he was right. This someone will not be named for now. Eddie is basically immortal. So he's been  around for a few 1000 years. Despite this he hates talking about his  life and himself. He tries to stay hidden and has only opened up to his  host about things. But when he is in the mood to talk, he is quite  formal and polite, often standing tall with his hands behind his back.  Another thing I should point out is that Eddie did not choose his  appearance. He looks like this because this is how his host sees him. No  one really knows what he truly looks like, but his host got it pretty  close.  Thats all im gonna say. :)

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCq4AGKhQVDcPiIbUFk88uYRnQsYNTU_H playlist

genderfluid. all pronouns