


1 year, 3 months ago


full bio: https://jintii.notion.site/Kanata-a3dfa278509b466a92ba1740cce68b2f

👤 goal-oriented + diligent + logical + adaptable + stingy + hasty + direct + (self) critical

It’s easy to see Kanata as just a guy. The one who sits somewhere in your class, who you kind of remember the name of, but have barely spoken to. There’s something that you remember clearly about him, however - perhaps it’s the faint scent of baked goods still clinging onto him, but conversation with him is always polite and pleasant, sometimes warm. If you ever ask him a difficult question, you can almost see the gears in his mind turning before he gives you an answer. Oh, and one more thing - he’s always, always, working.

Kanata is someone who relies on his mind, rather than his heart - from the way he speaks, the way he acts, and the way he treats others, it’s as if he went through training to do the right thing at the right time. With years of customer service experience under his belt, by deduction, Kanata has found that this attitude helps him achieve his goals the most efficiently, and effectively. A smile and a compliment could go a long way to keep loyal customers coming - and it doesn’t take much effort!

Something else that people would notice about this man - he’s able to accommodate changes and new requests quite well. New trends, new flavours, new ways technology works… it’s effort, of course - but this is what keeps money rolling in, and that’s what keeps his family alive and well.

For those who are able to get past his customer service façade, however, will find that Kanata may not be 100% the nice guy they thought he was. Here’s a few things that this unassuming man could annoy you with:

  • There’s this weird unwillingness for him to spend money on himself. He keeps saving, and saving, and when you ask him why, he’ll just give you the stink eye.
  • Putting it nicely, he’s an analytical and observant person; but if you see it in another perspective, he’s incredibly critical of himself and the people around him. He’ll notice your strengths, but also, most definitely, your flaws. Which leads to…
  • The curt, direct comments that come out of nowhere. For him though, this is for your own good, and he’s hoping that this will help you complete your (and his) work more efficiently. He’d beat around the bush, but that’s just a waste of time.
  • He has a tendency hastily to jump to conclusions. It’s as if his mind has a stored set of commands - if the conditions are met, there should only be one outcome…right?

It might take some time to realise it, but despite his seemingly jaded and cool attitude, the sunny, warm and curious boy is still deep within Kanata - he’s only grown old and wiser. As a goal-oriented individual, he prioritises efficiency, relying on the best practices to achieve his objective; but he’s also only doing all of this so the people he loves could get what he thinks they deserve.