Rikka Suen



1 year, 3 months ago


孫 立夏, Suen Rikka

Nicknames Rika, Jiejie
Quirk Scan
Age/Height 19/161cm
Gender Female
Birthday July 23
Affiliation Shanghai University
Occupation Med Student
Theme LINK


  • fashion
  • shopping
  • fitness
  • sharing updates on social media
  • attending parties and events with friends
  • travelling
  • crazy food experiments
  • Jian and Jiayi for introducing her to Jian jkjkjk


  • being stuck in traditions, especially of the patriarch variety
  • men when they belittle women
  • judgemental people
  • arrogance
  • smokers

intelligent . generous . kind

With her strong personality and intelligence, Rikka is a force to be reckoned with and her confidence can be quite intimidating to those around her. She is passionate about many things, including fashion and she loves to share her life on social media with her followers.
Despite her privileged upbringing, Rikka is not one to rest on her laurels. Her father may have been a well-known doctor who would have given her anything without her having to move a finger, but she has chosen to use her skills and work hard to help people. What sets Rikka apart is her kindness and her love for children. She makes an effort to know the people she helps and has been known to donate to charities and sponsor budding young talents. She takes her followers' suggestions on what to sponsor next, but sometimes doesn't reveal herself to the sponsored, preferring to keep a mutual friendship.
Rikka's content on her platforms covers a wide range of topics, from fashion to women's rights. She values and appreciates everything she was given and the people close to her, while also indulging in luxuries. But at the end of the day, it's her compassion and desire to make a difference in the world that truly sets her apart.

Scan (Type: Operative)

Rikka's quirk allows her to scan not only digital, but also biological and chemical subjects and then analyze the gathered data to calculate probabilities or identify potential threats or medical conditions.
It is a highly useful ability in the medical field and stems entirely from her dad's quirk. It allows her to gather vast amounts of data on a patient's condition, from their vital signs to the chemical makeup of their blood.

Techniques: "Multi-Scan" (supportive) allows her to scan multiple subjects simultaneously and gather data on multiple patients at ones which can be particularly useful in emergency situations.
"Diagnosis" (supportive) allows her to identify harmful substances or toxins in a patient's bloodstream and figure out how to remove them. It also lets her scan blood or tissue samples to identify abnormalities or markers that might indicate a particular condition which allows her to apply a more effective treatment.
"Threat Assessment (supportive)" lets her scan a patient's vital signs and identify potential threats without tools, such as irregular heartbeats, so she can quickly analyze the data and determine whether the patient was at risk of a heart attack.
"Probability Calculation (supportive)" allows her to calculate probabilities based on the data she gathers to help in situations where there are multiple potential causes for a patient's symptoms. By calculating the probability of each potential cause, Rikka can quickly narrow down the possible diagnoses and provide more targeted treatment.


☆ Rikka is a first year med student at Shanghai University

☆ Her observant nature has accidentally led her to uncover all sorts of secrets, which she usually handles gracefully and compassionately

☆ Rikka loves being perceived as a strong and independent woman, but she is also attracted to equally strong people. She likes being carried!

☆ One of her follower's favorite content on her social media is her crazy food testing where she tastes unusual food combinations or cooks watcher recommendations

☆ Rikka adores unusual nicknames, she has one for her watchers and her moderators as well as many of her friends. The names stuck as some of her oldest followers started calling her queen bee and the rest ran with it

☆ While she regards too much wealth with wariness due to having met the worst kinds of wealthy people, she is grateful that she is able to give as much as she does. She also loves hosting parties celebrating her friends and indulge in luxuries with them

☆ She actively engages in helping with social problems, such as child poverty and especially women's rights

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