free's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Bar_Lupin Global Rules

This account is exclusively freebies. Do not retrade or resell without added art. Comment on my profile for resale permissions once you addon some art!

I am not strict on redesigns at all! Its your oc, do with it as you please. 

co-ownerships are alao fine.

you may not 'revoke' any design from anyone else for any reason.

blacklist: users who have either continually not read the freebie rules, blatantly disrespected me, or otherwise were rude. do not harrass them, this is simply for if other freebie accs want people to block. Some users on here are from my main. You're allowed to recieve freebies via resale/retrade as long as you're not block evading.

