. πŸ’• Beaker πŸ§ͺ . (~ Old Profile #3 ~)



4 months, 28 days ago


✨ Beaker Burns / He/They / Masc Nonbinary / Demiromantic Pan + Poly ✨
"Love hurts!"

Beaker is a mad scientist who lives in The Hospital, a constant entity with entrances all around Morn. He's a petty thief and criminal, mostly spending his days with his gang of scientist buddies annoying people.

Beaker is a genius there's no doubt about that, he could probably cure every illness ever if he wanted. But he instead uses his genius to mock and playfully annoy people, or use them as test subjects in the endless hospital.

Beaker's main weakness is his ego; he always needs to make an entrance and be known. In his constant effort to have fun and cause chaos he often lets himself get carried away and eventually foiled.

He has no clear goals other than to watch the world burn... or, that's what most people think.

A bit of backstory:

The scientists were not always evil, and nor was Beaker. There was a time once upon a time where the hospital was a safe haven linking all of Morn together, a place where everyone would go when hurt emotionally or physically.
However a lead scientist rose from the shadows and convinced four of the main five doctors they were better than the rest of Morn, promising them unknown things and powers.

These main four doctors were Blithe, Beaker, Flunky, Chester, and Nurse. Blithe eventually fled the hospital after working for The Lead Scientist for a while, however the other four are now completely corrupt and have turned to other forms of science and magic.

^^ art by Playroom^^


Chester (design WIP) ^^ art by --- ^^πŸ’– Chester - Best friends / lovers (depending on place in story) - Chester is Beaker's best friend from the start of the story, and they only learn to respect and appreciate each other more as the plot progresses. Beaker at the start does conflict with Chester sometimes, as Chester is much more emotionally driven than he is. Chester is also the most "good" of the group, which can annoy Beaker at times as he lets his heart "hold him back", however Beaker learns why later on and is more understanding.
20492241?1698195210^^ art by studiomaz^^
πŸ’– Flunky - Best friends / Lovers - Flunky and Beaker have clashed a bit since their creation, as Flunky is super walled off most of the time. However they both respect each other greatly and are best friends despite this, as Beaker is willing to put aside his ego for Flunky and Flunky willing to put aside his stubbornness. They love to talk and have conversations most would find incredibly boring -- They do start out as friends, but become much closer later on.
1607781?1701044551^^ art by studiomaz^^
Solstice - henchman - Solstice is a random little guy Beaker found one day in the woods, stuck in a tree. He was malnourished and didn't understand what was going on, so he took him home. He initially decided to use him as a test subject, but realized shortly after finding him he was not normal at all and had oddities about them he couldn't explain. Nowadays Beaker keeps him around because... well, he claims it's because they're useful but it's painfully obvious he's attached.
+ addon to Flunky + Chester + Solstice - The three have a dynamic of constantly bickering but caring deeply about each other, they've all known each other for years. It's not majorly plot relevant so idm spoiling, Chester / Flunky / Beaker become a polyamorous relationship in story. So I'd love ship art of the three together or any two out of three together. The three are all in a relationship with each other and it's surprisingly healthy by the end of their arc once they learn to open up to each other-- despite them all being literally insane. Solstice is like... their kid (?) but it's implied he's immortal and older than them all and is like. A permanent toddler. I'd imagine Solstice being kinda like their Gir and they're all Zim? Like they're a henchmen technicallyΒ but are moreso something they have to look after.
12417270?1656728225^^ art by Sashaa^^πŸ’” Nurse - Distant - Nurse and Beaker were formerly very close friends, however since the Lead Scientist showed up she's been isolating herself and now he only sees her for business purposes. This has gotten to Beaker a bit, but he doesn't really want to talk about it.

780031?1698195179^^ art by studiomaz ^^
πŸ’” Blithe - ??? - Beaker and Blithe were also formerly very close, if not just because they shared a workspace. However Beaker considers Blithe a traitor for leaving the hospital and seems to hold some sort of grudge against him.
"The Lead Scientist"Β πŸ’” The lead scientist convinced the majority of the hospital to do his bidding long ago, promising them things that seem impossible and eventually corrupting the entire hospital setting. Beaker seems afraid of this figure, yet willing to do his bidding for some reason...
First / Day / XπŸ’” enemies - First and X have been tormented by Beaker, Flunky, and Chester for years, them being the only villains to always outsmart the two. Once Day shows up on scene, he's also tormented by the three and they all hate each other and it's a mess. First especially HATES them.
11173962?1698194946πŸ’” enemies (Blithe WILL bully them) - Beanie is only worth mentioning since the thrift store they work at is a very common target for Beaker's group. Beanie is terrified of Beaker, and Beaker loves that. I also just in general am probably gonna be casually mentioning Beanie being robbed often since it is very plot relevant.

Beaker loves terrorizing this little guy, but doesn't know Beanie's boss is Blithe.
Other(s)πŸ’” Outside of the hospital setting, people greatly fear Beaker and his gang. They often steal from stores and homes or just cause chaos for no particular reason. Nobody dares chase them into their hospital though, not even First; once you go in, it's unlikely you'd come out. Assume everyone not mentioned has a negative relationship with them.


~ Art by me: 40+ ~


~ Worth: $50+ ~


~ Art by others: 30+ ~


~ Team Vampire ~


~ Forever Homed ~


~ created 2/12/23 ~

15994080_1yitGldFNAjv2m8.png~ Antagonist ~

Other Stuff:
✨ Beaker mostly specializes in chemicals and potions. His friends focus on different sciences/magics; Flunky on robotics and Chester on biology (+ organic stuff idk-- like making monsters and plant magic)
Aesthetic Gif: https://www.tumblr.com/r0ck-n-rolll/688853133385973760/lovecore-stimboard-for-gothtranslila?source=share
Pixel dividers: https://cutekawaiiresources.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/pixel-dividers/Β 
1 - https://toyhou.se/20413980.the-badge-emporium
2 - https://toyhou.se/4739396.-ribbons
3 - https://toyhou.se/12708233.f2u-character-ribbons-badges