Basic Info

They have OCD, BPD and anxiety

Naturally scrawny af



design notes:

Their hair swoops to one side (emo ass)

Fangs are not optional


non binary lesbian 


werewolf, but they are a cat in their normal form, they only unleash this form during a full moon like most, mew has the urge to hunt and satisfy it with deer and the people who get lost into the woods or camping.
Very protective and can be overbearing sometimes with so much love, they would 100% have a stuffed doll or more of their lover so when they feel alone they snuggle with them and their anxiety goes down <33 their tail twitches when their anxiety is up high, so they always want tail Pets from pencil, even in public

Ruby tends to be a little hyperactive sometimes, like bouncing off the walls constantly, but Pencil is the certified "mom friend" and is very good at micro-managing Ruby' shenanigans. For sure they type of fellas to sneak onto private property to catch fireflies together and have pickinicks.