Gret Bruegel



1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Gret Bruegel

Age: 45 (Physically), 84 (Actual Age)

Gender: Female


Species: Bird-Demon

Height: 15 Ft.

Home: Pandemonium, Hell

Family: Crowe (Offspring)

Romantic Interest: Aspic (Girlfriend), Venice (Girlfriend)

Friends: Unknown Colleagues

Rivals/Enemies: Bartholomew Bosch (Ex-Husband)


Gret is known to be a cold yet elegant curator of the museum of Dis. She has a keen eye for spotting irregularities in her workplace and has a sharp knowledge of the history of the artifacts and art pieces within. If she were to criticize her peers, she's blunt yet well meaning. She has a harsh exterior and has a tendency to be hard to befriend but she does have a heart; especially when she's around the people she cares for (I.E: Her girlfriends or her only child, Crowe).


In her youth, Gret was described to be a quiet child, never mingling with her peers and never had friends to begin with. While it is assumed that it's because of bullying, it's not the case; In fact, Gret hailed from a wealthy family and is described by her peers as a calm individual. The reasons to her isolation is in part of her sharp fixations of literature, specifically the history of the realm of the living and that of Hell.

At some point in her high school years, she started coming out of her shell and by the time she reached college, she managed to form bonds with others; A specific person that changed the course of her life was that of a man name Bartholomew. Bartholomew, or what she preferred to call as "Bart", was her "love-at-first-sight" and the pair assumed that they would've had an eternal bond. By the time she graduated, she got engaged with Bartholomew and within a month of her life out of college, the pair got married. At some time around this period, she began to work at the same school her soon-to-be-ex-husband worked at as a curator of the school's archives.

At first the relationship went smoothly, with the pair constantly having saccharine conversations to the point of bothering literal strangers, but as it went on their relationship began to falter. This was in part because of the pair's conflicting ideals. Gret believes that the miniscule aspects of history is more valuable than the full picture while her soon-to-be-ex believes the greater scope of history is more important than the little details. It was this petty arguments that caused a schism between the two. Around 2005, it seemed like the relationship would be salvaged for she had her first and only offspring, Crowe, but a year after, the relationship began to reach its breaking point, resulting in their divorce.

Regardless of this bitter moment in her life, she moved on to greener pastures by quitting her previous job and moved to Hell's capital city, Pandemonium, where she currently resides in. It was in this time where she began to work for Hell's national museum and was well-respected by her peers. While she lived in a different city from her kid, she has joint-custody of her offspring and would, literally, be summoned to pick up her child only to teleport back to her current home.

A few years before the present, she developed a relationship with a guest, a second-in-command captain of the centaur archers named Venice. It stayed as a monogamous relationship until another person was included in their relationship, a janitor of her previous workplace, Aspic.

Nowadays, she still works at the same place with satisfaction with her life; although, her relationship with her kid is starting to get shaky as Crowe wishes to be relieved of the constant pressure that she puts on them.


- Gret loves organizing things. Peers would describe her house to be "so kept that it reaches uncanny valley levels of cleanliness"

- While Gret isn't described to have a foul mouth, she does tend to swear a lot whenever she's at her breaking point.

- Her eyes do glow in the dark but this is a trait that wasn't carried down to her offspring for unknown reasons

- Gret has a great interest with fashion history and is commonly seen with wearing fancy attires of the 1960s (her favorite era when it comes to fashion).

- Her first name, Gret, is derived from the Flemish painting "Dull Gret" a painting depicting the flemish folkloric character, Dulle Gret raiding hell with her woman army.

- Her last name, Bruegel is derived from the painter of "Dull Gret", Bruegel the elder