Mourning Glory



1 year, 3 months ago


- Basic Information/General -

-Name: Mourning Glory

- Meaning: 

Mourning: (verb) feel or show sorrow or regret for (someone or their death), typically by following conventions such as the wearing of black clothes, feel regret or sadness about (the loss or disappearance of something)

(noun) the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died, typically involving following certain conventions such as wearing black clothes

Glory: (noun) high renown or honor won by notable achievements, magnificence or great beauty, (often glories) a thing that is beautiful or distinctive; a special cause for pride, respect or delight, a splendor and bliss of heaven, praise, worship, and thanksgiving offered to a deity, a luminous ring or halo, especially as depicted around the head of Jesus Christ or a saint 

(verb) take great pride or pleasure in; exult in unpleasantly or boastfully 

- Nickname: Mourning, Glory, MG, Mourn, Angel (Demonic Rage only), Princess/Queen (Demonic Rage only)

- Pronunciation: Mourn-ing Glo-ry

- Preferred pronouns: She/Her/Hers

- Gender: Female

- Sexuality: Demisexual

- Species/Race: Unknown (can take any form), Mainly a Goddess

- Age: unknown, appears as 26

- Birthdate: Feb 27th, although celebrates it on Oct 31st

- Place of birth: Starry Realm

- Currently living in: everywhere and anywhere

- Occupation: Goddess, story teller

- Social status: unknown she is a goddess after all 

- Relationship status: Taken by Demonic Rage

- Zodiac: / Birthstone: Pisces/Amethyst, Scorpio/Opal 

- Voice: Mine


- Appearance -

- Body Build: average mare

- Height: short

- Weight: nope

- Build: TBA

- Birthmark: under her right eye, a few around her body

- Scars: hidden/hard to see

- Fur color: 6-7 different shades of purple and white 

- Fur length: short and long on some parts of her body

- Fur texture: very soft

- Carapace color: none

- Lower Body Color: none

- Neck Stone Color: none

- Eye color: grey-ish purple sclera, 3 shades of blue iris, purple pupil with a dark crescent moon shape inner pupil, white highlights which also includes a crescent moon shape

- Mane color: light purple banks, purple under hair and dark purple main

- Mane style: curly with clouds in the ends

- Cutie mark: Crescent moon and a full moon surrounded by different shades of purple moons and a dark aura mist with stars in it

- Accessories: tail brace, halo, anything that has moons and stars and chains etc etc

- Tattoo: none

- Piercing: tail piercing, ears also pierced 


- Character Traits -

- Positive Traits -

- Clever

- Daring


- Generous

- Wise

- Neutral Traits -

- Aggressive

- Emotional

- Formal

- Picky

- Sarcastic

- Negative Traits -

- Aloof

- Barbaric

- Cold

- Disobedient

- Forgetful

- Personality

Shy at first but very talkative once she gets to know you, she loves to play with her hair and calm down a child whenever they are upset. She doesn’t like spoiled children and tends to ignore them or even avoid them. She’s very smart when it comes to caring for plants and animals, she also documents them and their properties for future uses. She has a huge heart and just give everyone a warm smile.

- Soft Spot -

- Children


- Her husband talking about his hyper fixations

- Family playing

- Fears -

- Loosing her friends and family

- The unknown

- Some type of heights

- Dreams/Goals -

- To be a better Goddess

- To be a mother one day 

- To have an amazing wedding with Demonic Rage

- To protect her friends and family

- Health -

- Smoke?: no

- Drugs?: no

- Any physical illness?: no

- Alcohol?: sometimes


- Likes & Dislikes, etc.. -

- Likes -

- Stars and planets

- Having fun with friends

- Drawing and singing

- Her boyfriend

- Horror

- Sleeping

- Onigiris (spam and shrimp tempura)

- Her hair and tails

- Dislikes -

- Cold

- Not sleeping

- Sushi (she got sick from it)

- Liars, abusers* and cheaters (* animals and human, she dealt with it a long time ago)

- Relationships -

- Mother: Heavenly Love

- Father: Unknown

- Siblings: TBA, TBA

- Pet: TBA

-Uncle: TBA

-Aunt: TBA

- Cousins:  TBA

- Grandmother: TBA

- Grandfather: TBA

- Friends: TBA

- Best friends: TBA

- Crush: Demonic Rage

- Favorite -

- Food:

- Animal:

- Color:

- Season:

- Flower:

- Hobby:

- Time of day:

- Number:

- Sport:

- Skills:

- Stats -

- Health /10

- Fighting /10

- Swimming /10

- Speed /10

- Reflex /10

- Strength /10

- Intelligence /10

- Agility /10

- Stamina /10

- Defense /10

- Confidence /10

- Emotional /10

- Dance skills /10

- Singing talent /10

- Weakness /10

- Humor /10

- Kind /10

- Sense of smell /10

- Patience /10

- Sanity /10

- Wisdom /10

- Strength & Weakness -

- Strength:

- Weakness:

- Skills -

- Quotes -


- Backstory/History -