💌 || Bipple



Quick Bio


Name: Bipple

Nickname: Bip | Bips 

Age: ??? 

Birthday: ???

Height: 10’5”

Voice Claim: Will Wood

Gender: Cisgender Male


Pronouns: He/Him

Race: Alien

Ethnicity: Chuvaixe (?)

Occupation: Daycare Assistant / Nurse

Relationship Status: Taken



- Bipple always talks in third person. (Illesim)
Bipple loves you lot!
He doesn’t approve, Bipple does not like that.

- He mainly focuses on teaching children on how to deal with their emotions and how to manage negative moods. However despite this, Bipple has trouble managing his own feelings — thus being hypersensitive to not only his own feelings but others. Leading to him easily becoming distressed or overwhelmed in small situations. He is also hypersensitive to sound.

- He gets easily jealous if he thinks someone is looking or talking to Summer in a weird way, he often hovers over her or tries his best to be around as much as physically possible. EXTREMELY clingy at times and is known to pick Summer up and remove her from someone he dislikes.

- Bipple LOVES art and crafts. Due to this, he always makes something new for his wife, Summer, as a gift of his appreciation. Every day is Valentine's Day for him, except Christmas. He also loves to decorate.

- Bipple has strabismus (Hypertropia), but he is able to control this voluntarily. This mostly happens when he is in an inattentive state.

- Bipple has high-functioning autism and inattentive ADHD. He oral stims by sucking on things such as lollipops, his sleeves, or toys. When upset and if he is stimming (self-soothing) instead of sucking he would bite/chew stuff. (Summer is one of a few ppl able to easily calm him down.)

- He enjoys making LOTS of new friends, but can't handle rejection well (he has RSD - highly linked to his ADHD). Abandonment is an issue/trigger for him. (which is rare most of the time) and he may act in an aggressive/or crybaby manner if rejected.

- Despite self-labeling as a nurse, Bipple only ever carries bandages, strawberry & cherry lollipops, and toys.

- He always gets a sense that he is being watched, and he has frequent nightmares about eyes and what terrors he isn't aware of. He developed nyctophobia and somniphobia because of this factor. Anytime he feels that be may need sleep he tries to pre-occupy his time as to prevent nodding off.

- Bipple's almost always masking, the known smiling face is when he's masking. However, he has a more serious/uninterested face when not masking. which could look rather unpleasant.


☀️+💌 = Even though Bipple considers Adrenaline as a friend he dislikes him to a degree. He understands that whenever he talks to Adrenaline he’ll need to keep his temper under control or he’ll become easily distressed, however, it's like Andy knows which buttons to press to piss him off. Bipple doesn't know that Adrenaline is actually bullying him — not noticing the social cues. Which often leads to Bipple forgiving Andy for how he treats him.

🍎+💌 = Bipple’s relationship with Cindy is neutral. He gets annoyed at how Cindy tries to “baby” him, constantly reminding her that he is an adult and doesn't appreciate being treated as someone who needs his hand held (Summer, his wife, is the ONLY exception.) He however thanks Cindy whenever she steps into any fight he has with Andy. There's not much he has to say about her other than he likes her homemade pies.

🏖️+💌 = Tobis and Bipple’s relationship is rather complicated. You would expect Tobi to be the one bullying Bipple but it's vice versa, Bipple is actually rude to Tobias despite both viewing each other as friends. He doesn't like how loud Tobi is and would prefer he never speaks again — usually yelling at him to shut up or physically harming him. Tobias fights back most time which leads to an even bigger fight between the two. (Toby is one of the main people Bipple doesn't like Summer to engage with.)