Hitozaki Kuro



1 year, 4 months ago


in: Characters, Male Characters

Hitozaki Kuro

Hitozaki Kuro

Kanji: 黒人
Romaji: Kuro Hitozaki
Aliases: Mr. Black
Affiliation: Production BLACK

Biographical Information

Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: August 14
Relatives: Tosei, Rin, Shiranami, Kagefumi, Mamiko

Physical Description

Gender: Male
Height: 188cm (6'2")
Weight: 170lbs (77kg)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black

Debut Information

Manga Debut: Manga Debut
Anime Debut: Anime Debut

VA Information

Japanese: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
English: Erik Scott Kimerer

Hitozaki Kuro (黒人, Kuro Hitozaki) is a fan character for Uramichi Oniisan and its anime adaptation. He is the current head of the marketing and broadcasting company Production BLACK, which is MHK's largest shareholder and financial contributor.


Hitozaki is a young adult with short black hair that's messily swept back, thick eyebrows with a scar over the left brow, and blue eyes. He is muscular because he goes to the gym multiple times a week. He is usually dressed sharply and professionally. Sometimes he comes to work covered in bandages and it gives people the impression he is getting into fights, however his injuries are from clumsiness and not sleeping well, not because of violence.

Iketeru has expressed fears Hitozaki will become more popular than him because he looks like a bad boy.


Hitozaki is shown to be confident, charming, and passionate. He maintains a pleasant smile even when others are rude or make insensitive comments, and he seemingly has endless energy, having been shown juggling multiple projects and multitasking with ease. This overt perfectionism often annoys others around him, garnering him the reputation of someone who is constantly trying to overcompensate for areas he's lacking in.

Despite appearing to shrug it off, he is deeply insecure about how he appears to others and is intolerant of his own shortcomings, often becoming irritated when someone points out even minor mistakes. Later on he will be found cooking furiously with a mood that flips between depressed and angry.

He's shown doubts in his leadership abilities on multiple occasions. When Uramichi asked Hitozaki if he felt his father made a mistake in naming him as company head, Hitozaki was adamant on trusting his father's judgment, though he has stated previously he felt he was not right for the position, and in one flashback, he is shown fighting with his mother because he wasn't sure he could fill the role. He appears to take criticism harshly and reacts especially strongly to the persisting rumors surrounding his father's death.

He is a caring person towards his daughter, co-workers, and to others in general, as he attends and hosts many charity events and does not hesitate to offer a helping hand whenever it is asked of him. He is made genuinely happy when his daughter is happy and has stated this as his reasoning for donating more to MHK and Together With Maman than previous company heads.

Hitozaki always wanted to become a chef, however his passion for cooking had to be set aside after he became head of Production BLACK. He still maintains cooking as a hobby and is shown to be knowledgeable in nutrition and culinary arts. He is slowly setting aside money to open his own restaurant.


He is the current head of Production BLACK, one of Japan's major broadcasting and production companies, known for its support of family-friendly entertainment and toys. Production BLACK has supported the rise of some of the most prolific television actors and popstars in Japan. Hitozaki originally had no intention of taking over Production BLACK. He completed an associate's degree in business and went to culinary school with the hopes of being a chef, however he was unable to achieve his dream due to events that transpired a few years ago.

Originally Tosei Kuro named his oldest son Shiranami as the inheritor of Production BLACK. Hitozaki fought with his father over this decision, believing Kagefumi to be better suited to the role, as Shiranami was profit-driven and did not care about the stated mission of the company to "bring sunshine on even the cloudiest of days." When Tosei was found viciously beaten and poisoned with a large dose of arsenic, everyone looked to Hitozaki as the prime suspect, especially after it was discovered Tosei called his lawyer and changed his will to name Hitozaki as the inheritor of the company the same day.



Tosei Kuro

In a conversation with Uramichi had over wine, Hitozaki recounted his relationship with his father, remembering him fondly. In flashbacks it is shown their relationship was good. Hitozaki says after he went off to university, he would call his father every night to check on him, though he confesses to doing less and less of this over time, before tearfully admitting that for two years before Tosei's death, Hitozaki was only calling his father once every few weeks because of his work schedule. He expresses a lot of guilt over this and wonders if he could've prevented his father's death somehow, seeming to firmly believe his father's true cause of death was a broken heart, not poisoning.

Rin Kuro

Their relationship was not overly warm and Rin was largely uninvolved in Hitozaki's decisions, but that changed when Hitozaki inherited the company, and Rin became more heavily involved in the decision-making process. She also became more critical. Hitozaki does not talk to her much, though he has confided in Uramichi that she is a major source of stress in his life.

Shiranami Kuro

Their relationship has always been contentious. In flashbacks from their childhood, Shiranami was shown bullying Hitozaki and often took things from him that were given to him by their father. Their relationship seemingly improved after Hitozaki went to post-secondary, however their relationship quickly soured when Shiranami married Satsuki, and it worsened further after Hitozaki was named head of Production BLACK. They are forced to interact with one another for Christmas and charity events.

Kagefumi Kuro

Hitozaki's relationship with Kagefumi is good. Since they're close in age, they relied on each other as kids, though Hitozaki often forgets Kagefumi is in the room, and many jokes are made about on how hard it is for Kagefumi to get Hitozaki's attention. Kagefumi is the only person who doesn't believe Hitozaki murdered their father.

Satsuki Kuro

As recounted by Hitozaki, their romance was a story for the ages. In middle school he lent Satsuki 100 yen, which she insisted on paying him back for, which led to the two finding humorous and unique ways to continue giving each other 100 yen until one fateful night when he climbed the tree in her backyard while it was raining, and in his attempt to put the coin through her open window, he slipped and broke his arm. After that, they were inseparable, until one day, Satsuki suddenly decided she wanted nothing to do with Hitozaki and disappeared for months, only reappearing to dump a baby on his porch with a note reading, 'This is yours. Never call me again.' She later ended up marrying Hitozaki's oldest brother, Shiranami. Based on flashbacks during Hitozaki's retelling, it is shown he embellished their romantic connection and did not notice how many times she rejected him.

Mamiko Kuro

Hitozaki would do anything for Mamiko. When she asked him to be on the set of Together with Maman, he immediately dropped everything he was doing to make it happen. Despite him spoiling her, Mamiko is a well-behaved child, and Hitozaki is thankful she seems to have inherited her grandfather's good manners instead of her mother's temperament. Once a week the pair go on a daddy-daughter date which Hitozaki takes very seriously.

Together With Maman Cast

Uramichi Omota

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  • The surname Kuro means "black" (黒, kuro).
  • The name Hitozaki means "person" (人, hitozaki).

The kanji for black can also be used to mean "suspicious," "criminal," or "wicked." His name can be read as "Suspicious/Criminal Person," which is a pun on his rather unfortunate reputation as a murderer.

  • Satsuki is written with the kanji 幸続 for "continued blessing," however satsu can also be written with the kanji 殺 for "kill/murder."
  • Tosei is written with the kanji 踏青 for "outing in the spring." 青 can also be read as ao meaning "blue." When his full name is read as kuro to ao it means "black and blue," referencing the numerous bruises discovered on his body during autopsy.
  • Rin is written with the kanji 凛 for "cold" or "strict."
  • Shiranami is written with the kanji 白波 for "white-crested waves." This combination can also be read as "thief."
  • Kagefumi is written with the kanji 景人 for "background/behind the scenes" and "person," which is a joke about how often he is forgotten in the background.
  • Mamiko is written with the kanji 真美子 for "truly beautiful child," however the mami part of her name may be written with the kanji 魔魅 for "deceiving spirit." She pretends to be well-mannered and innocent in front of her father but is quite mischievous when he's not around.


  • Hitozaki's blood type is O.
  • Hitozaki's favorite food is caprese salad.
  • Hitozaki has a moderate tolerance for alcohol and smokes occasionally.
  • Hitozaki is not sure if God exists or not and prefers not to talk about the afterlife.
  • Hitozaki and his daughter were inspired by the anime Sweetness and Lightning.

Profile by Lobsterkaijin