Basic Info

Bought for




(For me)

(worth last updated to Wiggly)


General InfoΒ 

Name- Suchi

Species/breed- Mutt/Belgium Malnois x Koi-fish

Gender- Demi-boy(he/him)

Sexuality/Romantic- Demi-pansexual/panromantic

Birthday- June 17


Personality- Suchi is an extremely outgoing, playful, lively, lovey and overall a very optimistic pupper, sometimes a little overwhelmingly. He prefers entirely to be with friends or other people, enjoying contact either friendly or intimately with his lover than on his own. He's a goofy, usually easily self amused pup, and he can be very emotional but is a strong willed, generous and level-headed unless it comes to his weakness(food, puddles, etc). He's sometimes irrational but tries his best not to be- he's a complete risk taker, even if its a totally stupid or irresponsible risk, he’ll YOLO for no reason even if just to have the experience himself. He's courageous, selfless and an a bit of an altruist, though he even has his days or times of being selfish and stubborn, but usually is spurred by someone close to him when regarding that. He is intelligent, both having learned with someone else and also on his own; he also has a lot of odd facts, random knowledge pertaining to things he picked up along the way or even adores completely. He's a very bright pup with overwhelming confidence, charisma and the constant ability to drop his IQ level when it comes to things like memes or Fortnite dances- he is unashamed of his childish side as well as just things that he likes, such as stupid Fornite dances.
He usually ends up being an obnoxiously optimistic character- even when things are awful, he's still one of the most cheerful and tries to keep the mood up, but even then he knows when it’s time to get serious and be there for someone. His negative traits tend to be his compulsiveness which gets him into considerable trouble situation dependant, his tendency to be rather childish, and his usual messiness. He also has a tendency to let himself build feelings up, and when he breaks, he's extremely brutal, rude and blunt, especially towards those involved with whatever happens. He's extremely forgiving in the worst ways, forgiving even bad people, only when the situation at hand involves himself- otherwise, if a friend or stranger, he will never forgive. Suchi can be very jealous and it often ends up hurting himself.
Suchi can also be clingy to where he might be seen as annoying, but has enough common sense to know when to distance.

Likes and DislikesΒ 

Likes- Swimming, being in water, Haikyuu, anime, dinosaurs, theatres, watching movies at the theatre, Burger King, aquariums, baths, warm weather, summer/spring, food, his scarf and laurels, Minecraft, Mountain Dew, hoodies, snuggles, being outside, instrumental music, painting, chocolate milkshakes, fries, Netflix and literal chill, car rides, horror games, indie music, PokΓ©mon, memes, cute boys, aesthetic, photography, blankets, blanket nests, going for walks/long walks, star gazing, Fortnite, late nights and early mornings, aquariums, the color blue, fall aesthetic, the beach/lake, hiking/camping, being with friends, rainstorms, his aquarium, sushi, aquatic animals, volleyball, the beach, the lake, boats, anything strawberry but especially strawberry shortcake, hot wings, cat memes, betta fish, Studio Ghibli films, bubble baths, checkers, dresses, overalls, baby blue, stepping in puddles, cottagecore, adventurecore, Genshin Impact, Stardew Valley, sea shantiesssss babeyyyy and much more.

Dislikes- Extreme heat, extreme cold, bugs(certain bugs), bitter food/drink, cold or soggy fries, a decent amount of sports, gross/polluted water, strong perfume or cologne, being sick or hurt, frustrating people, offensive content, smoke/smoking, huge crowds, very loud noises, being in the sun for way too long, overheating, ignorance/arrogance, small spaces, most vegetables, yelling/arguments, being late, being mocked/made fun of, most hats, getting cuts on his paw pads.
