Basic Info

★Stand Name

Mary on a Cross by Ghost

★Stand Ability

You can ask/wish them for something and it has a 50% chance of either bleesing or cursing you, usually depending on the user's mood or what they think of you, they have split personality so it also depends on who's the main personality in the moment. The time of day also matters, Mary is more active during the day and she usually blesses, while Anna is more active during the night and she usually curses. Also depends on what you're asking/wishing (e.g: if you're wishing for something bad to happen to someone when that person didn't do anything to you, or if you're wishing for something selfish like money/fame and etc while being a horrible person, you have a higher chance of getting cursed)














Religious imagery, crosses, angels


Nosy, sadistic, unsympathetic, loud, anger issues, narcissistic


She's a capo