


1 year, 7 months ago


Suki Suki Daisuki - 0:51

Suki Suki Daisuki - 0:51

Kiss me as if you're punching me, until my lips bleed
Hold me until my ribs make a cracking sound and break
Like you, like you, I love you! (x3)
Say you love me or I'll kill you!

NAME Falsus Angelus Patientiae
ALIAS Asmodel/Azzy
AGE Ageless
SPECIES Falsus Angelus/"False Angel"
GENDER Androgyne (It/They)
HEIGHT 6'0/183 cm

MAGIC RANK Level 15 magic
SPECIALTY MAGIC Transformation magic & Angelic Glass

I don't want to set the world on fire - 0:31

I don't want to set the world on fire - 0:31

In my heart I have but one desire
And that one is you, no other will do
I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love

HEALTH ◆◆◆◆◆
WISDOM ◆◆◆◆◆

Asmodel is a rather strange entity. Unlike other Falsus Angelus, Asmodel is able to feel a wide range of "human" emotions. Their strongest emotions are : Adoration, fear, envy, and joy. All of which aren't usually found it Falsus Angelus. Asmodel loves to learn more about "human" emotions, they describe each emotion as "invigorating". But with their strongest emotions, they have been noted to be very clingy and obsessed, but also able to become bored quite easily. But on the lighter note,their curiosity shows the most, they are always willing to learn anything new.

Asmodel, while they are very clingy and obsessive, they are just afraid of their greatest treasure, Snail, leaving them or simply having no more intrest in them. They hide in their own wings to try and calm down and not overthink, but alas, their fear of abandonment is strong.

What Could Have Been - 1:31

What Could Have Been - 1:31

I am your ghost, a fallen angel
You ripped out all my parts
I couldn't care what invention you made me
'Cause I, I was meant to be yours

Describe your character's background here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut nibh eget ligula suscipit ultrices. In bibendum ultricies risus at vulputate. Ut ut laoreet risus. Fusce suscipit egestas mauris, a iaculis diam malesuada ac. Pellentesque mattis eros nunc, et cursus nisl tempus non. Quisque at luctus nunc. Nunc consectetur rutrum risus non pretium.

Praesent condimentum commodo lacinia. Donec semper laoreet tellus. Nullam et viverra arcu. Sed et felis ipsum. Suspendisse facilisis eleifend felis eget semper. Vivamus eu purus a orci tincidunt luctus a non neque. Integer sollicitudin dui nulla, nec commodo massa lacinia non. Nunc laoreet efficitur auctor. Duis metus turpis, pharetra iaculis suscipit non, sagittis ut enim. Suspendisse vel malesuada risus. Nam consequat ex mauris, vitae pellentesque nibh vehicula quis. Vestibulum dignissim, ante quis facilisis ultricies, libero nisi placerat quam, ut vestibulum neque nibh eget est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce consectetur dui elit, eget ullamcorper elit venenatis eget. Etiam mattis justo ac nibh ornare dictum. Pellentesque eu ex sit amet est ultricies vehicula. Sed dolor turpis, commodo et pulvinar ac, posuere in orci. Aenean commodo, lectus interdum vestibulum tristique, felis purus tincidunt nibh, egestas mollis lectus nisl nec sem.

Me! Me! Me! - 1:34

Me! Me! Me! - 1:34

Slowly as the days and months would fade away, is the life of the fruit that will make you sway
Nothing left but disappointment of the life that you lived, that you had, it's true
All it took was just a blow to divide all of our days apart, and I'm crying,
"Love me, feel me, please come back to me!"

  • Anything about Snail
  • Smoothies
  • Learning about the mortal world
  • Shiny things
  • Squishy things
  • Candles

  • The Hydnellum Valtiel
  • Foods that require chewing
  • Forks
  • Dust

  • Their name comes from an actual angel
  • Can shapeshift but prefers the form Snail gave them
  • Might be a bit clingy
  • Their wings get bigger when they feel cold or defensive
  • Kinda dumb with modern stuff but is very knowledgeable about ancient history
  • Voice claim: TBA
  • "Are you forkable?"

Mixed Messages - 0:37

Mixed Messages - 0:37

I send you a littlе smiley face (Smiley facе) So you send me back a little smiley face (Little smiley face)
And then I say, "Hey," and so you write back, "Hey" And I say, "'Hey' what?" (Hey what?)
And you say, "You said 'hey' first" And I say, "Okay (Okay)
'Croissant emoji', fuck you"


Asmodels appearance is a rather interesting one, their looks were of Snails imagination. Asmodel has a very hour-glass shaped body. Muscular along with strong hip dips. Their false halo is pure Angelic Glass, they can remove it whenever they want. Their hair has a very soft and silky texture, like feathers. Although they usually appear to have 4 wings, they have an extra pair located on their upper back (that pair only appears when they are cold/flying/defensive) The most interesting feature of Asmodel is their... face ... They can change their face at any given moment and time to have very unique features, but they prefer to only show one eye so dust wouldnt bother them.

  • Main reference
  • 4 Arms, both equal muscle mass and length.
  • ALWAYS shows "ear" wings and lower-back wings.
  • Even with Asmodel only showing one eye, they have their way of showing various emotions...
  • Asmodels eye design is based off of a "Celtic guardian angel" symbol
  • Itty bitty claws

愛して 愛して 愛して - 1:03

愛して 愛して 愛して - 1:03

love me love me love me
more and more
love me love me madly
A painful, painful spell

Snail Lover

"He is the one who summoned me... Created my form... Gave me a-.. what's it called..? Oh-! A home. He is my main obssession, I wish to bring no harm to him. He's very fragile and I gave myself the task to be with him for all eternity. I get sad when he's not here, I was told not to leave his home as it would raise suspicions that he is keeping a cryptid. He does leave me things to do when he's out, like bonding with his critter, Bink... It's a strange creature but I love it."

CHARACTER NAME relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend. Nam eget finibus mi. Cras et purus sit amet mauris rhoncus venenatis at a arcu. Integer et volutpat enim. Curabitur ultrices commodo lacus a dictum. Aliquam pharetra ultrices nibh, non efficitur nisi ullamcorper placerat.