
1 year, 3 months ago



Called Kumi or Theta

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age Young Adult

Species Wolf

Role Medic

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Kumi has been taught how to be a medic ever since she was a young pup. Following her mother as she healed the wolves in her pack, Kumi quickly picked up the skills of the trade. She was quickly apprenticed under her mother, and helped her with anything from illness to wounds to death. She always hated having to help in the death ceremonys, especially since most of the deaths were caused by fighting in the pack.

She left the pack at the age of 18 (human age), and quickly found herself unready for the outside world. She went into and out of many packs, despite being a skilled medic. She found that her pack as quite mild in terms of fighting between wolves, and so any pack she ventured toward would generally chase her off without a question. She eventually did find a pack, that needed a medic, and so at the age of 23 she settled down in her new family. At the age of 25, a group of hunters found her pack, capturing her and a couple of other pack members. She and most of the pack managed to escape, but she badly damaged her paw in the escape. She can no longer use her paw and instead she keeps it tied in a leaf bandage, careful to keep it off the ground.

A quick headsup, this character information sheet mentions Alphas, Betas, Iotas ETC. I know that isn't how it works in the real world, it is simply something that I have implemented into Kumi's backstory and the world she lives in


Height Small

Build Slim and Fluffy

Eyes Orange and Green

Skin Tone Content

Fur Colour Brown

Secondary Colour Tan

Demeanor Shy


  • She has a leaf pouch tied around her torso. Inside someone can find a wide range of fresh medicinal herbs
  • Her fur is a mixture of browns, tans, and creams, and is very fluffy
  • Her right eye is covered by a large scar, and she can not see out of it
  • Her right paw is crushed and mishapen, and is always covered by a leaf bandage


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Kumi is very timid to those she doesn't know. She finds it really hard to talk to strangers, and so found it very difficult to join a new pack when she left home. When she did find her new pack, and she found new friends, her personality showed through. She became much more humourus and talkative, frequently chatting to her friends and finding new ways to make them smile. She is very serious with her work, and finds it really important that everyone gets the same treatment. She can get very snappy and irritable if a wolf dismisses her work or claims that they don't need any help when she is trying to help, and she doesn't understand some wolves stubborness towards getting medical help.



The smell of rain is the nicest thing you can smell is what Kumi believes


She frequently uses honey in her job, so when she finds honey she always gets a bit excited, plus its delicious

Night time

When wolves are sleeping their isn't any fighting, its the most peaceful time of day

Cool Weather

Her fluffy coat insulates herself from the wind and cold, and she enjoys the peacefulness of it



Hates fighting above everything, she thinks its despicable the way packs run on fighting


After the hunters she became terrified of humans, and will stay far away from any sign


One coyote in particular, she lost an eye to her


With the loss of a paw, she finds that going near cliffs makes her uneasy and unstable



early childhood

Kumi grew up in a large wolfpack in a huge clearing. In this area they scarcely saw other wolves, and when they did the sheer number of the pack was enough to scare them away. One problem they did have however was hunters and poachers. Wolves were consistently going missing when they went out alone, and so the Alpha commanded that all wolves were to stay in the group, or go out in four or fives.
Kumi at this time was too young to go out hunting, and instead spent most of her time helping her mother find medicinal herbs or deliver herbs to the elderly wolves in the pack. She was quite shielded at this age and her mother made sure to keep her from the fighting and the wounds some wolves would come back with when they went hunting. She doesn't remember much from this age, but what she does remember is the huge number of friends everywhere she went and the cheerful sounds of the wolves around her.


As she grew older, her mother included her more and more with her work. Soon she was helping her mother with the minor wounds and the occasional birth. She never had to do much, just give her mother a chewed up paste of parsley or help fetch any spiderwebs and leaves she may need for bandaging, but it was still fulfilling. She would frequently ask her mother what jobs she had that day and if their was anything she could help out with.
One day, when she was around 12 (human) years old, a group of hunters attacked the pack, causing major injuries in many of the members. Struck by the sheer number of injured wolves, her mother asked Kumi to help out with the bandaging and cleaning of the wounds of the wolves who weren't in danger of dieing. Kumi did as she was told, and did a suitable job of it, but the stress of that day stuck with her. Soon her mother noticed that Kumi wasn't focusing as well, nor was she remembering the names of the herbs she had previously known. She pulled Kumi aside and layed out the facts for her. Either she gets a grip, and refocuses on her work, or she leaves the medical field altogether and becomes a warrior or hunter, like the other wolves, "I have no use for a wolf that can't remember a simple herb". Kumi quickly managed to pull herself back together, and she learnt to seperate her feelings from her work, becoming much more serious whilst working.


Kumi soon became one of the most competent medics of the pack, and was soon officially initiated as a Iota. With this new rank, she was given the full responsibility of being a medic, and worked on wolves herself as opposed to being under the watchful eye of her mother. Kumi found alot of peace in being a Iota, despite the stress that often comes with the job, and she found herself happy and content in her day to day life.
When she was around 17 (human) years, the Alpha that had been leading since sh was a pup was killed in a battle by lone wolves. One of these lone wolves claimed his place as Alpha, and quickly took over the pack. This was normal for their society, Kumi's mother had seen many Alpha's in her time, though none as good as their previous, and so life went on as normal. However the new Alpha soon started implementing harsher rules and more commands that she couldn't follow. The packs hierarchy was now more closely enforced, and Kumi was regularly tending to wolves who had been attcked by those higher than them. Those on the lowest end of the hierarchy reguarly went days without a meal, and the camp was soon filled with arguing and fighting amongst previous friends. Kumi found that soon she wasn't allowed to leave camp, being too low in the hierarchy, which caused her ability to find the suitable medicinal herbs inhibited. The Theta tried helping the Iotas by going out everyday and coming back everynight with medicinal herbs and bandaging material, but he was soon overwhelmed with the number that he needed to bring back and Kumi continously found that as the newest Iota, she was left with the scraps of the hunt.
On one particular day, she found herself tending to an extremly ill pup. She knew what the young pup needed, and it really wasn't that dangerous of a ailment in most circumstances, but with the loss of medicinal herbs she found it incredibly difficult to help the young pup. Days went by and the pup was only getting sicker and sicker, until finally she resolved herself to leave the camp and find her own herbs. She left in the dead of night, collcting an abundance of herbs as she went, only to return back to camp to find the young pup had died. She couldn't believe it. Filled with anger and grief she confronted the Alpha the next day, only to be chased out of the pack by the Beta and Delta.
For months after Kumi walked through the wilderness alone. Nothing was more dangerous to a wolf than being alone, and Kumi found that everywhere she tried to go Hunters and Poachers always seemed to be, or a group of overaggressive guards were their to chase her out of their territory.
She had one run in with a coyote who called herself Earl. Kumi had grown up to learn that Coyotes were digusting creatures who lived only to cause chaos in a wolves life, and it seemed that Earl was a perfect example of this. Kumi hadn't eaten for days, and was near starving when she smelt the iron tang of an injured elk. She quickly took down the elk, and ate it with hast, her hunger overpowering. Whilst she was eating she heard a crack of a branch behind her. She scarcely had time to turn when she was attacked from behind by a coyote, in a mere matter of minutes the coyote had managed to pin down Kumi and was preparing to finish her off when the sound of wolves arupted around the two, and a group of hunters leapt out, quickly chasing the coyote away. She was taken to the Alpha and Epsilon by the group, where she explained her situation and they explained theirs. She was quickly let into the pack, simply because their previous, and only, Theta had died and they had no Iotas. Kumi quickly stepped into the role of Theta, and tended to the small pack as best she could

Late Adolescence

Kumi had been the Theta of her new pack for long enough that she had found her place amoung the pack. She grew many friends in the pack, and spent most of the day content in her life. When she was 19 (human) years old, one of the scouts of the pack came with news that a group of humans had moved into the area, presumably to go hunting. Thid wasn't too uncommon of an occurance, and most of the time they stuck to themselves and just hunted the wild game in the area. While this did prove as a disadvantage to the wolves, as less game meant less food for them, they couldn't do anything about it so they grew to put up with it. But these humans were different. Scouts started coming in everyday about peculiar things that were happening while they were patrolling, like finding metal traps where they usually passed, and smeeling humans further away from their camp then what they would usually go.
Then one day, while Kumi was out finding herbs with one of the guards who was also a good friend, they heard a gun go off close by. The two ran, away from the pack lest they lead whatever was shooting at them back to camp, and they came upon a dead end. The two alerted the pack quickly with a panicked howl, before being trapped in a metal cage and put onto the back of a truck. They were essentially powerless in this truck, their claws little use against metal, and were quickly driven away. However they didn't get very far before they heard a commotion come from the humans at the front of the truck, and they felt the truck turn and then steeply tip over, causing the other metal cages around the two to topple over. Kumi was knocked off her feet, and was pushed to the side of the cage with her paws out of the bars as a huge metal crate fell on one of her paws. She knew instantly just by the pain itself that it was broken, and broken bad. Usually when wolves have this bad of a break, they would never be able to walk on it again, generally losing their place in the pack hierarchy and in some places being exhiled completely. The two managed to free themselves from the ack of he truck with the help of the rest of the pack, and together they all slolwy moved back to camp.
As Kumi had predicted, her leg was badly broken, with little chance of it ever being able to be used again. She tried her best to hide it from the rest of the camp, not wanting to be exhiled, but quite predictably they found out anyway. The Alpha told Kumi that while she is significantly less useful in the camp now, as she could no longer hunt or fight without help, they still needed her medicinal expertise and so she was permitted to stay. As relieved as Kumi was at this news, she also tried harder to help out in the camp, spending more time to improve her skills and help out in ways that she could.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit vel nibh feugiat pellentesque. Vivamus posuere blandit lobortis. In vitae lectus quam. Sed aliquam dolor a imperdiet finibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas in porta velit. Nunc faucibus mi ac nisi iaculis ultricies. Morbi sit amet ultricies tellus. Nunc accumsan neque metus, vitae porttitor risus iaculis ut. Vivamus commodo consequat magna vel volutpat. Fusce aliquam quam neque, eu maximus quam convallis et.

Quisque quis posuere arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam in sem non sem efficitur aliquet. Donec ac convallis lorem, eu mattis metus. Etiam bibendum justo vel turpis malesuada, et malesuada purus condimentum. Proin suscipit ac arcu a vestibulum. Vivamus lacinia urna eget eleifend suscipit. In vestibulum feugiat auctor. Phasellus ac ornare nibh. Integer condimentum placerat velit, id mollis massa gravida nec. Ut at turpis ut nisl sollicitudin aliquet. Phasellus pretium feugiat eros, vitae aliquam nibh ullamcorper nec.

Pack Hierarchy

The pack follows a strict hierarchy, with those on top having more influence on the pack then those below. It goes as follows
Alpha: The leader of the pack, and the very top of the pack hierarchy. The Alpha has the role of making all choices on behalf of the pack, and they make sure the pack runs smoothly with little interruption. They are the final say in all major decisions, and they are what makes or breaks a pack. One bad Alpha can cause a thriving pack to ruin, and vice versa
Beta: Second in commmand, they help the Alpha run the pack and take over if the Alpha is unable to lead for a period of time. They deal with the smaller matters in the pack, and they stay at the pack if the Alpha needs to go elsewhere
Epsilon: Guardian of the pack, the Epsilon deals with the wellbeing and health of the pack, and helps guide the Alpha in choices that will benefit the happiness and safety of the pack. The Epsilon is the voice of reason in the pack, and any wolves who need to confront the Alpha about something generally go through the Epsilon
Zeta: War general, the Zeta goes out into the field on behalf of the Alpha to deal with dangerous situations such as fights between packs, or hunters. They help the Alpha make choices in terms of fighting and defending the territory, and they organise the guards and scouts every morning so the Alpha can focus on the larger issues. Many packs have no need for a Zeta, and instead the Alpha and Beta generally take this role.
Eta: Guards of the pack, usually help protect the territory from other wolf packs, and are tasked with making sure the pack stays safe. Eta's are often placed evenly throughout the territory, with some staying at camp to help keep the peace if any fights break out. Eta's participate in all fighting between packs, and are the major defense for the pack
Theta: Lead medic. The Theta deals with all the Iota's, and they are often seen for advice and knowledge on various diseases or illnesses. All Nu's must be offcially recognised by the Theta before becoming an Iota, and often time their is a ceremony for this instance. Generally the Theta is the most knowledgable and the best medic of the pack, which is often times the oldest Iota in the pack. If the Theta dies, the Iota's choose another, with a final say from the Alpha. The Theta organises all the Iota's for the upcoming work, and they help make sure that no one Iota is getting all the patients
Iota: Healers of the pack, Iota's help keep the pack healthy and deals with any injuries or illnesses that may arise. They often leave camp to find medicinal herbs and bandaging material, and are one of the only ranks that are essentially free to come and go from the camp when they need. They must have an expertise in medicinal herbs and injuries, and they are often trained from puphood to become suitable Iota's. This means that usually the Iota's of the pack are related to eachother in some way, as mothers will take on their own pups as Nu's in nearly every circumstance
Kappa: The lead hunter, the Kappa organises all hunting patrols and help ensure the pack has enough food to eat. They are generally the strongest hunter of the pack, and every pack, no matter how small, has a Kappa.
Labda: Hunters for the pack, Labda's provide all food for the pack. They all work as one, and they are the sole source of food for most packs. Most wolves are Labda's, and in the biggest packs as much as 50% of the pack could be hunters in order to provide enough food for the pack. In times of war or great distress, the Zeta and Kappa may allocate some Labda's to become temporary Eta's to help protect the pack.
Mu: Those expecting pups or who are currently looking after a litter pups. Most of the time both parents become a Mu while their pups grow, with some choosing to take turns between their role in the pack and looking after the pups, but many stay in camp and take care of their young. By late childhood the parents usually take back their normal role and leave the pups in camp to look after themselves
Nu: The young of the pack, Nu are those who have begun their traineeship but haven't completed it yet. Generally between the (human) ages of 10-16. When Nu do complete their traineeship, they are still coined as 'Nu' for the first few years of their new life. As the wolf grows in maturity and skill, the title 'Nu' slowly fades away, and their proper title is used more often. A common teasing term in the pack is Nu, and many wolves will call their close friends 'little Nu'. It can also be used as an insult, but not as commonly
Xi: The pups of the pack. Xi are usually between the age of infancy to late childhood (around 10 human years), and their sole purpose is to grow into useful wolves for the pack. Many Xi spend their days tackling and mucking around camp, and they are generally left alone by the other wolves
Omega: The very bottom of the pack. This is usually for wolves who bring no benefit to the pack, or who have caused death or destruction in the pack, whether purposeful or not. Omega's generally lack respect in the pack because they don't bring anything of use, but they can still get along with the majority of the pack. Most Omega's however are actually wolves who have wronged the pack in some way or another. These wolves may need constant surveillance to be sure that they can be trusted, and they are often hated by the pack because of what they may have done. Omega may also be used as a title, even if the wolf can bring benefit to the pack, such as if the Alpha and Beta were overthrown, but kept alive, they will usually be coined as Omega, even if they become an Eta or Labda.

Not all packs follow this hierarchy directly. Some may hold some roles above others, or may remove roles altogether as their is not enough wolves in gthe pack or their is no need for the role. Some packs may be extremely strict in this hierarchy, while others may be quite relaxed. Lone wolves may dislike the pack structure because they believe that any females are automatically at a lower role then any males, however this isn't true. Wolves are based in their hierarchy according to how useful they are to the pack. Therefore, it doesn't matter what gender, age or physical appearance you have, as long as you are useful to the pack you may have a higher social standing

Kumi's orginal pack as she grew up was fairly standard. The pack was large, so they had the additional roles to help run the pack efficiently, and the actual hierarchy was followed fairly loosely. The Alpha and Beta was at the top, the Omega was at the bottom, and all other wolves were in between. Her second Alpha who took over when she became an Iota was very strict. He followed the hierarchy extremely closely and brought pack traditional fighting to earn your right to eat.


Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.







Kumi and Alira have been good friends for a long time now. Kumi really feels at home when Alira's around, and she can always count on Alira to help her when things get tough. The two are always seen together, and Kumi couldn't imagine a would without Alira in it




Varg and Kumi have been good friends since she has joined the pack. Varg is always their for Kumi, and Kumi knows that she can always depend on the wolf for any help she may need. Kumi doesn't see Varg as much as she would like to, and often wonders what he is up to.




Ever since their first fateful meeting, Kumi has always had a distrust for Earl. Despie never meaning to meet eachother, the two always seem to be at the same place at the same time. This always ends in a fight, but Kumi can always count on Alira and Varg to help out