Finnegan 🍃🪻's Comments

I really love this silly ^^

I don’t have much to offer but I have this guy I can trade
( u can have all 4 )

And if u are taking art I have ex here 

Art examples:

If nobody interested u that ok thank u for looking and sorry for bothering ^^

I actually really like this style of your art: would you be willing to do 3 of these for Finnegan? :0

Omg! Yes yes I can ✨✨✨

yes can do !! ✨🌸 I will have fun drawing this silly’s ✨

I sent the 3 payment art ^^

Hope u like them all 🌸✨

OH IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT I SENT THE CHARACTER ALREADY - but yeessss they all look AMAZING! Thank you so much! <3