Iโ€™d like to AB!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ’–

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of course!! so exciteddd!!!ย 

aaaaand paid!! ย thank you so much!!!

AHHHHH NEW WIP NEW WIP SO EXCITED!!!! i LOVE the direction sheโ€™s headed in, canโ€™t wait to see colors!!! super interested in a possible proclaim still

Do you do payment plans :0?

canโ€™t wait to see the color scheme & body type on this one, im tempted to put an offer in now but hhhhh i gotta see first to be sure!!!ย 

she just sounds so perfect for a character concept iโ€™ve been struggling to nail down a design for AAAAA

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ahhhh iโ€™m so excited, thatโ€™s definitely got my interest piqued since i was hoping for something in the warm naturals+pink range!! i canโ€™t wait to see what you come up with!!ย 

What are your prices for preclaims? O:

Edit; i could offer 100!

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ouuuu gotcha! no worries, ty for letting me know! i wasnt super worried as i love your designs and this theme is right up my alley, but ill def keep that in mind!!! and tyvm for the preclaim price! ill keep an eye out for the wips to see how much her preclaim will be before deciding but im suuuper interested >:3 <3