Yoshiko Minami



1 year, 3 months ago


(she/her, 19, bi grey-ace)

Yoshiko, aka. GLOW-freeze, is a moderator of a big gaming forum with members from all around the world. She likes gaming and watching anime, and is usually pretty chill and laidback except for when dealing with trolls and spambots, so she's appreciated by most of the community. Also a shameless memelord, she's the kind of person who'll say memes and internet abbrevations irl.

She takes pride in her moderator status and enjoys helping the forum's community, even if it can get exhausting on busy days - she sometimes has to remind herself to take breaks. Even if forums have gotten less popular as a whole, she still loves them and the type of community they provide!

She's generally relaxed and open-minded, but not afraid to be blunt if someone's acting unnecessary rude or continuously breaking a rule - the rules that she finds important, anyway. For a moderator, she can be pretty loose regarding the rules she doesn't really see the point of or care for herself, though she reluctantly may end up warning them anyway (mainly in a "uh hey you can't really do that here sorry" way).

Outside of an online setting, she may seem a bit awkward at times, and around people she doesn't know that well she may not always say much unless she gets a chance to talk about something she likes - then, she'll talk about it for a while.

(oh and she also has an alternate "powered up" form, which is the image with the cool visor and long jacket and white shorts. whether this is a  real power or just her imagination is still undecided)


- Video games

- Browsing the internet

- Energy drinks

- Memes

- Scambaiting


- Spam

- Internet trolls

- Getting up early