Mora Aiello



1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Mora Aiello

Age: 29

Occupation: Adult dancer and owner of Wood Fall Distributions 

Personality: Someone you get when you cross a passion for the sensual side of life and self-care queen with a hard working business woman. Mora grew up in a community of the prude and very traditional morals. Everything is all bottled up and eventually explodes over in a negative way, where as she has embraced all things that have brought out most of her passions in all aspects of life. Confidence, Hard working with a desire to work her way into a better life, she won't back down from a challenge even when it may be a detriment to her self. There is really no way she will back down from a challenge. In most ways, she works it to her advantage of being top dog in her industry and breaking molds, all the while embracing what her passions lead her to in a harrowing traditional world. That being said, she does have a penchant for trouble again, even to a detrimental and can become reckless in her endeavors that leads her to get herself into troubles with the wrong crowds given that recklessness and confidence that oftentimes is not awarded or warranted in given latter situations.

Backstory: Mora was a woman that came from a broken home. A single mother with loose lips and looser morals always spreading her legs for whatever John would throw her some attention, be it for better or worse. Her biological father's family made a stint multiple times trying to fight for custody, and in some cases won. During those times she was regarded as the bastard child that brought shame to them and thrown from religious school to religious school trying to retrieve whatever sanctity of life they could gain back from her. Living in the bible belt of America, made life very difficult to not find herself in the position until her mother would temporarily sober up just long enough to return her to her side. The home life of either side was not great, and so cycle would continue until she was 18, somehow managing to survive with a strong enough will and sheer stubborn effort to life to independence. The very hour she turned 18 she immediately ditched home and ran as far as she could away from the horrible past. Crashing with her runaway friend April she'd convinced to ditch with her at her half-sister's home. All of them were in a terrible sort, so she gathered enough to fit a van full of people, and headed towards Clearwater Junction. It was as far Northeast prior to the border they could get, and no one knew them there. 

There she would soon attend university in the neighboring metropolis campus and get a degree in Business and Culinary Arts and start her brewing company WoodFall Distributions. Named so aptly from seeing a fallen log hit the first shack that they were able to buy when creating their signature lines of alcoholic beverages. Mora loves her new life now and doesn't plan to ever go back to her backwater home unless it is to ensure that her family are all dead buried and spit on their graves.

Good for her!


-She has a huge collection of lingerie and silk robes from far and wide she loves very much. Her favorites are all the hand embroidered vintage she took great care to restore.

-She is a bit sensitive about her height being above average at 5'9 and tries to not wear heels unless she needs to for work. Occasionally it will trigger some old reminders of things she'd rather not remember.

-Absolutely LOVES fresh mead and ciders!