Jonah Sauer (3. Extra Info)




Jonah prefers not to define his sexuality in anyway, mostly because he views it as no one's business but his own. His most common response when people say "oh you're this sexuality" is usually just "why would you assume that".

His religion is that of being something close to old roots Germanic Paganism, brought on by the fact that he's an Alp and not a human.

His has bi-colored eyes because when he was a baby, he underwent a surgery to remove his "evil eye", a surgery that's been fairly common for decades to allow more mischievous species to integrate with human society. In more recent years, it has become a hotly debated subject on if its actually a help or seen as more cruel to an unconsenting child.

Looks like a jock, but really indifferent to sports. The only sport he likes is rugby and that's because of how people play it.

He has Bipolar II Disorder, meaning that while he has manic episodes, they're less intense than Bipolar I and are called hypomania. It's much more heavy on the depressive side of things and where the term "manic depressive" comes from.

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