-• Lanalia •-



1 year, 4 months ago


Worth - 165$


name - Lanalia • Leh-nah-le-ah

pronouns - She/They 


SO - N/A

Species - Dewwing 


- Glass Scales (c)

- Gold Scales (c)

- Fire Breath (c)

- Pheriawings (r)

- Dew Manipulation (r)



- Lanalia is a reserved and quiet yet daring dewwing. She doesn’t talk much but loves to listen to others. Lanalia has a idgaf attitude, relatively doing her own thing. To others she can be seen as rude or scary, but to those close she’s just a big scary kitten. While mostly silent and her resting face set in an evil anger her eyes are extremely expressive and bright. She’s actually very kind inside, but how she grew up caused her to hide away her emotions.


- possibly ganna be a body guard lol so once that’s Figured out this section will have more.

- while lanalia does have her main job, she has many other hobbies. She loves to fly through obstacles and fast, she loves to gather items, flowers, or relics, and she loves to use her dew manipulation to make all kinds of jewelry. 


- basic overview •  lanalia grew up in a heavily fighter based home. Her parents were strict and trained her to be put into a fighting based occupation. However when she was around 11-15 (not sure yet) her parents had died and she was left to take care of her younger sister (right now that is peridot but that might change.)

more detailed info 

- lanalia was the first born dewwing to her parents. While they both loved her dearly and were pleased to be gifted with her, they wanted lanalia to grow up strong so the world couldn’t harm her. So they threw themselves into training lanalia from the time she could process what to do. However what they thought was an act of love and want to protect their daughter, actually caused lanalia to become coy and angry at her parents.

They hounded her on her training and often times wouldn’t let her play or hang out with other dews. Lanalia was trained in many different ways, though spears and knife work is what she took too most. Lanalia was placed in her role at the age of 4. When she was older, around 8, her younger sister peridot was born. Her parents doted on peri and we’re more kinder and lax. This wast on purpose, more of they had been parents for a while and got older so they inheritly became kinder. However due to this lanalia didn’t take to her sister well. 

While she cared for her deeply she couldn’t stand being around her because of peridots feeling on their parents were so far different from lanalia. Hearing about how awsome their parents are to peri only set lanalia off. So she stayed away from peri quite a lot. When her parents died when she was 14, peri took to lanalia for comfort which lanalia tried to give but didn’t really know how. Their relationship was rocky for a long time. Once they were both were much older (the “present”) they have started to mend their relationship. 

About Lanalia 

- Lanalia currently lives in the outskirts of the dewwings home. Her house resides in a tree, and homes all the relics she’s gathered as well as her jewelry and small trinkets she makes.

- lanalia LOVES to fly, especially through obstacles. she is very skilled, although self taught, and is fast.

- Lanalia is smaller than most, with a sleek and thin look. However because of her extensive training and general workouts she is a lot stronger than she looks. However still not as strong as most, so she uses her incredible speed and agility to her advantage. 


- Scarf 

- Lantern 

- Arm bands

- Goggles 

- Larger Bag 

- earrings + necklace 

- knives / spears 

- Right earing • special family heirloom