Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hello! A warm welcome to anyone who has managed to stumble across my profile!

I promise I will organize this better someday so it’s not such a chore to read.

A few important things to note before you move on:

I am not a minor, I am 19. Please keep this in mind, I know some minors prefer not to interact with adults. However, everything on my profile is sfw and minor friendly. And I promise I’m not intimidating or scary just because I’m an adult! 

You may come across the occasional swear word on my page. I swear a lot less online than I do irl, but please be aware of that!

My characters’ pages may contain sensitive content including:

  • imagery of or inspiration from commonly feared animals (bugs, reptiles, etc.)
  • injuries, scars, or gore (nothing too graphic, and not without warnings on each character’s page)
  • trauma, loss, abuse, and such dark topics that may be a part of a character’s backstory 
  • character designs or themes that are generally unnerving or creepy 
    • Any characters with triggering stuff in their profiles will be marked with appropriate warnings!

Please read everything below, as well as my terms of service if you are going to buy characters from me, or commission me for artwork. (Same applies to all transactions with me that are worth both currency or other things like trades, etc.)


  • Adding my characters to your favourites! I don’t mind stuff like spam favs and such, I’m pretty chill about things in general. It’s safe to assume that in most cases I won’t at all mind mentions, comments, favourites, or notifications of any kind! Go crazy with favs if you want, even favourite all my characters! It’s nice to know they’re loved. 
  • Drawing my characters! I would be absolutely delighted if you drew gift art of my little sillies! Though please be sure to let me know when you draw my characters (if you do), and please credit me for ownership of them when posting your work!
  • Ask about my characters! Absolutely let me know if you have any questions about them, want to suggest names, need more info for drawing them, etc.! It might also help remind me to develop them more or draw them, lol. 
  • Offer on characters WITHIN THE “TRADE/OFFER” FOLDER ONLY! Anyone in that folder is fair game for offers, and while I will not be upset and blacklist you or anything if you do offer on anyone outside that folder, I just won’t be accepting your offer. However, please note that in very rare cases I will part with characters outside this folder, though this has only ever been to trade for other high quality characters that I really like. This scenario could occur if you have a design you’d like to trade that was created by any of my favourite artists (list can be found in the description of my trade/offer folder!). 


  • Stealing, copying, tracing, heavily referencing, etc. my characters or my artwork. 
  • NSFW art of my characters, or sexualizing them in any way. 
  • Please do not ghost me. 
  • No one in the following folders will EVER be up for offers. I’m not going to blacklist you or anything if you do offer for them, but please do not, because it’s annoying and pointless as I am guaranteed not to accept. Folders in question: sonas, mains, secondaries, and my irl pets.

If I ever break someone’s ToS, ghost you, or do anything that goes against yours or someone else’s wishes, or offend you or someone else in any way, please please call me out on it! I have been known to make mistakes or forget things in the past, and I cannot guarantee that I won’t repeat that. If I have ghosted you or forgotten to finish something I owe you, please let me know! If I have broken anyone’s ToS or made anyone uncomfortable or caused offence in any way, please bring this to my attention! While my intention is never to cause any kind of harm or offence, I realize that my doing so is a very real possibility. And in the event that I do make a mistake, I deeply apologize, and I promise I will do my best to fix it.

If you have in fact taken the time to read all this, thank you! I know it’s a lot, my apologies. But the stuff here is important, and is necessary for you to know if you’re going to be buying/trading designs with/from me. 

Thanks again for reading this far, and enjoy the rest of your stay on my profile! 

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

The images on this page may contain potentially triggering photos of insects, arachnids or other “bugs”, sea life, reptiles, amphibians, or other animals that some may fear. May also include bright colours, unsettling imagery, or might trigger phobias like trypophobia or thalassophobia. Proceed at your own risk!

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