


1 year, 3 months ago



Called Dark

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 67 Moons

Species Cat

Role Elder

Theme WCTNS Playlist

HTML Pinky


"The forest is burning"

Dark'Kit - Dark'Paw - Dark'Sight

Dark'Sight never imagined himself to be very remarkable. He knew cats who were remarkable, Birch'Fur for one, but he never really imagined that he could be. It wasn't until after he met Birch'Fur that he really started to understand that everyone was remarkable, all in their own ways


Height Tall

Build Long and Lanky

Eyes Dark Blue

Main Brown

Secondary Darker Brown

Pattern Brown Stripes

Demeanor Quiet


  • His pupils are pale blue
  • He has a thorn in his ear as a sort of piercing, this is not optionable
  • Has a small scar on his lip
  • He is an oriental cat


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Dark'Sight is seen by the clan as quiet and kind. He generally keeps to himself, but he enjoys the company of his kits and Birch'Fur. When they are away he can be seen chatting with the other kits or sitting by himself and basking in the sun. He is very patient, and he is able to make light of most situations. He adores Birch'Fur, and is supremely grateful that someone like him ever got to meet someone like her. He has never really desired to be a warrior and defend the territory and such, but he would love to be able to hunt better then what he can. He communicates mostly through physical touch, and he will often be seen leaning against Birch'Fur or vice versa


The Sun

While he may not be able to see it, he can feel the warmth


One of the only cats he doesn't find annoying, he doesn't know how he managed to be with someone like her


The warmth of the stones is what he imagines the sun must look like


One of the only things he can hunt, they are quite noisy eaters



It sticks in his fur and is impossible to get off

Loud Noises

He can't see where its coming from and they always come without a warning


He is terrified after what Long'Scar has told him


Doesn't like the feeling of the damp air and it creates mud




Dark'Kit was a rowdy and troublesome kit. He always managed to do something that his parents had to run after him for, whether it was sprinting straight toward the edge of the camp or poking at a very grumpy elder. He spent much of his time by himself, although he did get along with any of the kits. Once he was listening to a story from Long'Scar, which left him with nightmares for moons afterwards. He refused to leave the nursery for ages and he finally left only after his mother told him he was to become an apprentice


Dark'Paw was originally made a medicine'cat apprentice because he was blind. They thought that staying in camp and messing around with herbs would be much better suited to a blind cat as they were less likely to get themselves into trouble. This only lasted a short time however as Dark'Paw would constantly ask to leave camp and go hunting, and soon the leader gave in and made him a warrior apprentice.


Dark'Sight was only a warrior for a short amount of time. It was very difficult for him to hunt by himself, and he often needed help to navigate the outside of camp. Soon Dark'Sight decided to bite the bullet and become an elder, this way he could stay in camp and help out there. It was in this time that he met Birch'Fur properly. Birch'Fur would bring the prey to the elder den, and the two fell into a friendship quickly, and love soon after. After a couple of moons came their three kits







Dark'Sight adores Birch'Fur with all his heart. He can't help feeling bad sometimes because he believes that Birch'Fur deserves the world, and he feel like he can't give that, but she reassures him that he is all she needs. His favourite time of the day is when he and Birch'Fur just sit and chat, although most of the time its just her chatting.




Thrush'Paw is the most likely out of the three kits to be seen in the elder den chatting with Dark'Sight. Dark'Sight loves Thrush'Paw alot, and he can recognise him just by his jumpy steps. He reassures Birch'Fur constantly about how Thrush'Paw will be fine, which he believes firmly. He knows that Thrush'Paw will turn into an amazing warrior, and he is really proud of how far he has come since he has become an apprentive.




Dark'Sight and Sparrow'Paw are quite close. Sparrow'Paw will often strike up a conversation with Dark'Sight whenever they can, and Dark'Sight is quite happy to sit and listen. Sparrow'Paw has more of Birch'Furs personality, and Dark'Sight will always joke about how he can't tell Sparrow'paw and Birch'Fur apart, freqeuntly calling each by the others name. Sparrow'Paw however is much more likely to go to Dark'Sight for advice, and Dark'Sight is happy to give it




Dark'Sight and Wren'Paw are very close. Although Wren'Paw doesn't go to the elder'den as much as the other two, Wren'Paw and Dark'Sight have much the same personality, and so the two often just sit in the sun in silence. Dark'Sight thinks that one day Wren'Paw will become leader, and he wishes quietly that he will see the day when she becomes deputy.