Juniper Jones



6 years, 2 months ago



**Name:** Juniper Jones

**Nicknames:** Jun, Juni

**Hero Name:**June Bug

**Birthday:** June 24

**Class:** Heroes


**Gender:** Female

**Appearance:** Juniper is a 5'4" female with caramel brown skin and green eyes, she has bright green  hair on one side of her head, and he other side is brown and shaved yeehaw.

**Personality:** Juniper is a big optimist  she always sees the best in people and in situations, she has lots of high hopes fo her future. this little ball of energy love to cheer on and lift up those around her. Juniper unfortunatly is pretty clumsy, really forgetful and can get flustered easily.

**Background:** Juniper is the child of the famous prohero tag team Bee and Green Giant. Juniper When she was 8, Juniper lost her Mother to a villian in an attempt to protect Juniper and her father. After her mother's passing, Jasper Jones decided to step out of the limelight of hero work and put almost all of his energy into raising his daughter. Juniper had always wanted to be a hero, but she never really had a reason until after she lost her mom. She decided that she'd become a hero like her mom so she can help people in need just like she did, while also bringing smiles to their faces.


**Quirk Name:** Dragonfly

**Quirk Abilities:** Juniper's quirk caused Dragon fly wings to grow out of her back. With these wings she can ovbiously use them to fly in the same patterns as dragonflies. She's pretty sure thats all there is to it but she's been a little scared to test other things.

**Quirk Drawbacks:** Flying too fast or too high causes her to expriance Vertigo. *[Vertigo is a sense of rotation, rocking, or the world spinning, experienced even when someone is perfectly still.  The symptoms are different from lightheadedness or a sense of fainting. Many people experience associated nausea or vomiting.*] For Juniper it varies from nausea or in worse possible cases a complete blackout. Juniper is absolutly terrified of blacking out mid air, its only happened twice but it sure put her dad in for a scare.

Juniper's wings are very fragile when it comes to water, she has to cover them when it rains and dry them if they do happen to get wet.