ARCTURUS's Comments

Hello! I hope I’m not bothering oh, but would you consider offers on them at all? I didn’t notice any tag, but please let me know if this is not ok! If you would look at offers, what would you mainly be looking for? Thanks!

Thank you for asking tho i’m currently not taking any offers right now sorry 😅😊

All good! Just checking ^^ lovely design btw!!


Would you consider/entertain offers on them? If so, what would you be looking for? I can offer with art as an art on if wanted/needed! ^^ Ex of art: so much for your time!! ^^

Hi! 💕 I'm sorry but I'm not entirely looking for offers on Arcturus as I'm highly attached to them 💕 I'd only consider if something like an EFNF, Kegawa, CCCat, FeltyNinja or Morph Soleis were offered for him ;;

Alright, thanks for the response! Could you lmk/ping me if you ever decide to put them up for offers? No worries if not. Thanks!

Omg this design is so nice!! Are you taking offers by any chance? :0

Thank you! 💕

It highly depends on the offer ;; I would only accept stuff from my wishlist for Arcturus, you can see it here

Ah, I don’t have anything to offer then haha. Thank you anyways though!