Madison Banks (Madison & Seb)



Madison & Seb


Madison Banks

26 / Male / Gay

spunky diplomatic workaholic
Status Together
Nature Romantic
Bond Strong
Chemistry Strong
Since 2+ Years
Theme Africa

Seb Jones

41 / Male / Asexual

supportive gentle withdrawn


First Meeting

A murder most foul - not that either of them committed the murder, after all. Most people don't want to hear about the first time Seb and Madison met. It's not like it was a brutal murder that happened right in their space, but people get uncomfortable when they hear that Seb came to the theater Madison worked at because another theater was broken into and it resulted in unfortunately someone losing their lives. Not exactly romantic set up, right? And people don't really want to hear about people flourishing under a situation like that - it's pretty weird. But that is how the two wound up meeting; it was strictly professional and most of the followups after were professional. It wasn't until maybe a month down the line that Seb approached Madison off duty and asked him out for coffee one night. That's what people like to hear.

Relationship Dynamic

Madison is first to admit that Seb helps him slow down and take things easy; he never considered himself a fast paced person, but when you're a Banks, you just have this untold energy that makes you want to go, go, go. For Madison, life is about experiencing things. Seb has taught him how to actually experience them, not just race through things as if he's checking off some weird list that only he has. For Seb, Madison has helped him learn to get out more and that life isn't just 'get up, go to work, go to bed'. Maybe he has to put the breaks on things a bit, but suddenly he's out enjoying corn mazes and museums. Both of them have learned to be a little less afraid of love and the uncertainty that can come with it; they've learned it's okay to be vulnerable with each other.




  • Seb proposed to Madison on a sleepy, rainy day in their apartment; Madison was just glad no one saw him cry.
  • When Seb wakes in the night due to nightmares, Madison will usually sing to him to help him back to sleep.
  • Seb has presidental veto when they house shop because Madison almost bought a house with a demon in it because it was cute.
  • They have no plans for children; if they want one, Madison says he'll go steal one of James' kids.