Bellamy Skintor



6 years, 23 days ago


Bellamy was the daughter of a well known warlock who was exiled from the comforts of Katsdren for crimes against humanity. His cruelty towards other magic users and patenting warlock artifacts despite the strict laws prohibiting such behaviors left Bellamy at the mercy of the courts. Being an only child who's mother died in childbirth, Bellamy was sent off to a boarding academy at the age of 7 where she would be educated in hopes of becoming a future service to society. After a quick memory wipe they sent her off to continue learning magic. No one really thought she would be anyone special however as she aged she proved herself to be a scholarly air mage with an affinity for teleportation and telekinetic magic techniques. Still, despite being a strong magic user she wasn't anything special. At most she could expect a "bright" future in some menial office job after graduation, a fact that Bellamy was happy to accept if nothing else because it gave her a purpose in life (something she often felt a loose grasp on due to memories she could never fully grasp from her childhood). Then, there was The Incident. A graduation ceremony poorly contained, the honors level class were in the process of their final exam when something went terribly wrong. The task of the exam itself was to summon a monster and incapacitate it, it was the same structure they did every year however one student was so anxious about the exam that they cheated and, with the use of a warlock's ring, summoned a beast too powerful to contain-a full fledged strix. The strix, a monstrous owl like creature with a taste for flesh, created chaos in the exam quarters before breaking loose in the school grounds. Bellamy shouldn't have stepped in, she knew that if enough teachers were able to corner the beast they would be able to safely dismantle the situation, however her body didn't know that. She reacted before she could think, throwing her magic at the creature-a surely fatal mistake despite it's success because suddenly she found herself teleporting with the beast far away from the safety of school and into a den of monsters. That could have easily been the end of her short life but luck and determination was on her side. She fought with the strix, sustaining heavy wounds but dealing a finishing blow before anything fatal could happen. In the dazed disbelief that followed she assessed her surroundings and found she was in the strix's cave where, amongst bones, hid citizens tied up in bramble-subdued for a snack at a later date. Bellamy was able to free them and in turn they were able to take care of her but, with no clue as to where they were things were looking hopeless. After recovering from the most serious of her wounds Bellamy learned she was also the only magic user in the group thus if any of them were to make it out of their situation her knowledge and skills were crucial. It took them almost two weeks to make it back to civilization and when they did Bellamy was recognized for her leadership, survival instinct, magical prowess, and bravery. It has been a few years since her graduation and now she is now recognized as the Mage Strix, a ambassador for Katsdren who works to build good foreign policy and advocates for the respect of nonmagic users.