Sasha Piovere



1 year, 3 months ago


cutely dumps every info abt him here because im too lazy to find a decent code for kitty lol

also i might redesign him idk yet tho

▴ Full name: Sasha Piovere Natalus
> Currently, no one knows his actual name. He is known simply as "Piovere" - evidence of his truth but no one, not even him, is aware of that fact.
▴ Gender: Male (he/him)
▴ Personality: Piovere is a puzzle, often you'll learn something about him and yet find yourself further away from the truth. He's the right-hand man of the boss and speaks/makes appearances for him. Despite his age, Piovere handles himself perfectly - He's cunning and quick thinking with sharp reflexes and doesn't like being taken lightly. He's cold and passive aggressive usually and doesn't care for lives - However, there seems to be a side to him thats almost child-like, sometimes making jokes or not taking certain matters seriously.
▴ Age: 23 yrs
▴ Birthday: September 27th ~ Sign of Balance
▴ Sexuality: Straight

▴ Species: Calico cat
▴ Habits: Often scratches himself, usually when he’s tired or stressed / Pacing or moving, he can't seem to sit still
▴ Occupation: Black market leader
▴ Mental health: Absolute shit
▴ Physical health: Iffy but its decent?
▴ Likes: Meat! He's a huge carnivore and loves anything made out of meat. He doesn't care where it comes from so long as its edible. / Literature, he's surprisingly a big book nerd / Apricots and cucumbers! Despite his massive liking towards meat, he has a soft spot in him for these.
▴ Dislikes: Storms, primarily thunder storms because the booming frightens him. He's not fond of loud noises, but he's very comfortable in the bustling nightlife of the market / Honeydew and most spicy things / Crowded spaces and anyone who disobeys.
▴ Fears: Tall buildings, he grows uneasy when near large structures

▴ Skin: Covered in soft white and black fur with blotches of a light cream and brown color with darker toned stripes
▴ Eye color: Slight heterochromia, his right eye is a darker pale tone of pink while his left eye is a lighter more vibrant shade of pink
▴ Height: 5'2
▴ Weight: 111 (im an idiot so this is most likely inaccurate LOL)
▴ Hair: His original hair changed along with his form to a fluffy tuft on his head
▴ Strength: 6.5/10 - His full strength, still has room for improvement though
▴ Stamina: 5.2/10
▴ Smarts: 7.5 - He's cunning and a quick thinker, I wouldn't underestimate him
▴ Speed: 5.2/10
▴ Other features: His entire body is built almost exactly like a cat, sometimes he acts like one too - often running on all fours as its easier (creepy though) or snuggling in small spaces, he seems to find comfort in doing so His claws are unusually large, he's become accustomed to their feel but they still sometimes hurt when he uses them  He wears anything as long as its baggy (and fits) and ponchos, he loves things that are crocheted too

Extra info
▴ Voice-claim: n/a however he speaks with a slight italian accent and tends to speak slight italian/english randomly
▴  Backstory: It's actually a lot - so, I'll put the doc that I made for his semi-made backstory. It's still being written though and will be touched up on every now n then!
▴  Fun facts: Sometimes struggles writting or doing basic things due to his animal-like hands