

The poisonous half-dragon, main head of Black Lotus clan, empress of the 3 lands-states of Daikah.


Nicknames: Madam Lotus (by everyone), Lady Sirse (by closest Black Lotus members), Madam pythom (post ascention era), Great counselor (pre-draconic era, as counselor of King Millos III), "Granny", "Old snake" and "Living fossil" (All by Midas, in mockery).
Age: 117 (83 Years as half-Dragon).
Draconic Ability: Venom production and transmutation (in form of liquid or smoke).
IQ: 230+
Size: 6,2 feet.
Pronoums: She/Her.
Sexual orientation: Ace/Aro (Not romantic at all).
Relationship: Single widow.
Associations/Groups: Black Lotus (leader) and Drakhanis Kingdom (Co-Founder).
Fighting Style AKA Aproach: Always standing at safe distance, evading and waiting to strike the target in his most vital parts.
Weapons (proficiencies): Knifes, fencing sword, crossbows, bows and whips.
Addictions: Overprotecting her daugther, work, making plans and overthinking.
Hobbys and entertainments: Spend time with her daughter, Read, Anatomy study (via books or dissecation), crafting chemical recipes, Drinking wine while read old poetry (the most arcaic, better), chess, outdoor painting, social parties and events (like opera and concerts), studying people habits and way of thinking, playing violin and relaxation massage sections in Rose's Spa.
Dislikes:  Not having control of the situation (Especially of Cosmos), betrayals (Especially contract breachs), change of plans, disrespect (to her or her daughter), being interrupted in a thinking or talking, doubts, people without maners, bad work, lazy/inefficient people, dirt, noises, loud things and Midas.
Favorite animal: Ants and spiders.
Favorite color: Black, Dark Purple and Red Wine.
Favorite food: Any perfectly crafted delicated dishes.