Ashton "Glow" Easton



6 years, 2 months ago


Ashton wasn't the smartest kid and ended up getting pressured by his 'friends' that he had when he was alive into drinking. On the day of Ashton's 21st birthday he was out with his 'friends' at a bar they frequented. That night they learned that Ashton came from a wealthy family and wanted to get as much money out of them as possible. Well Ashton caught wind of this and when he said that he was going to the police he ended up getting shot down by one of his supposed 'friends' thinking they would get away with it. Well they were captured a short time later along with the rest of Ashton's supposed 'friends'. Ashton ended up being buried in a particular graveyard that has a tendency to bring those that were killed suddenly back as zombies. The first time Ashton saw his new form he was horrified but over time he has come to accept that he will never look like he did in life. From time to time Ashton will venture into town in the dead to check in on his family. Ashton refuses to eat any sort of brains like a traditional zombie. So instead he goes dumpster diving for the freshest food that his body can handle and survives on that. He longs for company at times but then realizes he'll probably never have anyone to talk with unless they're a zombie like himself.